Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The 113th Dear ____ Post

Dear First Day of July, You are today. How is that possible? It seems like it was just yesterday that I was saying it was the first day of January. Time sure has flown by this year...

Dear Babysitting My Nieces, You're how I spent today. I love those girls so much and feel so blessed to have this time to spend with them!

Dear Zizzie, You're what my oldest niece calls me, since she can't pronounce Lizzie. I know I heard you  being said at least a hundred or so times today and you know what... I loved it!! :)

Dear First Service of 2015, You're what I scheduled the other day. I've been trying to schedule services with supporting churches out of state first since I need to strategically plan them when I'm able to have lounger times to drive to them. So now that I have those done, it's time to hit those phones pretty heavily and start scheduling even more than I already have nearby. It's time to fill my calendar. *P.S. to any pastors reading this... Feel free to contact me about setting up a service. I'd love love love the chance to share my heart and passion, with you, for the Wolof people of Senegal. 

Dear Shameless Plug, Why yes, I do realize I just used you. Hey, whatever works... :)

Dear Grilled Hot Dogs, Live Music, a Ceremony Honoring Veterans, and Fireworks, You're what's happening in town this Thursday night. I'm looking forward to it! I love these small town celebrations!

Dear 4th of July, You are Friday and I'm going to be spending you with some of my most favorite people - my family!

Dear 2 Weeks, You're how long is left until I leave for Texas on my "free" flight, to visit my friend, thanks to airline miles I've racked up over the last 5 years. I can't wait!

Dear So Many Choices, You're what I think every time I walk through the grocery store. It's almost overwhelming at times. Like seriously...how many different kinds of lettuce do you need? :)

Dear West African Mangoes, You are so deliciously sweet and I miss you so much. The ones I get here are good, but not your level of good. Maybe you should teach your "across the pond neighbors" a thing or two...

Dear Life, You may not always be easy. But I do love you. Thanks for always being interesting, never being boring, and always keeping me on my toes.

Dear Jesus, I'm always amazed and so grateful for all the little (and big) ways You show You care about me. ...like helping me find gas for over 10 cents cheaper this afternoon when I needed to fill up, or helping me find a cheap and tasty snack since I'm trying to save money, or giving me an easy day of babysitting - a day full of fun memories with my two favorite girls, or getting a phone call from a principal wanting me to come in next week for Round 2 of interviews (hopefully a good sign). I could go on and on, but you get the idea. 

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