Monday, March 16, 2015

Lessons from the Week

Procrastination may seem like a good idea at the time, but waiting 'til the last minute to get a project done is so not worth it.

Hearing gun shots being fired across the street immediately followed by a voice over the school intercom saying the code for a lockdown will definitely get your heart racing.

When typing an important document click save every couple seconds. You'd think I would've learned that while living in a country with unstable electricity, but noooo...

Want trust? Earn it. 

You don't go in the hospital for rest and relaxation. 

Plans are great. But rarely does life go according to plan. Expect that. Be flexible.

Teachers are just as excited about Spring Break as, if not more than, their students.

The smell of garlic lasts far longer than the taste.

A cute video of one's 10 1/2 month old niece is the perfect pick-me-up :)

A child with a disability which causes attention problems absolutely positively CANNOT sit still for extended lengths of time. Therefore, it is unreasonable for a teacher to require that.

Writing a note on your palm is okay. Just make sure the ink's dry before propping up your head.

You can't not smile when hula hooping :) 

The day before Spring Break dismissal bell will signal happiness in both a school's students and its faculty alike. 

And one lesson I've been realizing more and more...

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