Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday's Favorites

Happy Friday Ladies and Gents!

Today I'm linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for this week's Friday Favorites.

So what's on my list of favorites from this week?

Getting observed/evaluated is honestly not one of my favorites. Put me in front of a group of kids and I'm fine. Throw a grown-up in the mix and I freak out. seriously, I tense up. My stomach is tied in knots. And I feel like I sound like an idiot when I talk. Fun times, right? :) 

Anywho, yesterday was my last observation/evaluation of the school year. But I must not have done too bad, because my principal sent the following email to all of us, elementary teachers, not long after leaving my room...

FYI - He didn't add the blue squiggly outline or the happy face. I did because...well, why not :)

My favorite group of 4th graders did an experiment in Science today. We're learning about bones right now. So for our experiment, we did a test to see why our bones are the shape they are - how they are strong because of their shape. Honestly, when I was planning out my lesson, I kind of thought my kids wouldn't consider this a favorite and I thought they'd probably think it's a little lame. But I was so wrong. They absolutely LOVED it :) 

This guy's face is my favorite! Look at that smile!

I leave in 2 1/2 weeks, heading back to sweet home Alabama and some of my most favorite people in the whole wide world. But y'all... How is this possible? Didn't I just arrive? :)

Y'all, being the good ol' southern girl I am, you know that BLTs are one of my most favorite things to eat. Well, because of where I live, it's hard to find the good quality version of the B in BLTs. So imagine my total delight, when upon checking out the contents of my freezer, I find a bag of my favorite delicious goodness in the back, just begging me to fry up and add to the L and T of the BLT :)

The majority of my favorite group of 4th graders absolutely LOVE lizards/geckos/etc. So they were almost squealing with delight Monda afternoon, when they looked out the library's glass doors and saw this little guy just hanging out.

Missions is my favorite. I feel so eternally grateful to have the blessing of God calling me to do something I absolutely positively love. BUT the only way I'm able to stay on the field fulfilling this call on my life, is to be fully funded with the Assemblies of God.

To do that, I still have about $300 left to raise in monthly support commitments. Want to help me with this? That'd only be 30 people at $10 a month OR 20 people at $15 a month or 10 people at $30 a month or 6 people at $50 a month. Just click the link HERE and follow the prompts to set up a recurring gift. Or if you'd prefer to do a paper/regular mail version, send me an email at and I can get you set up that way.

And last, but certainly not least, this past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. Well, the President of my 2nd most favorite country, Senegal, wrote the following on his Facebook page. How cool is this?!

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