Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hello May

It's officially May. 

That's crazy to me.

Wasn't it just January?


Want to know what I'm saying Hello to this month?

Well, unfortunately I said Goodbye to April with a migraine and said Hello to May with a yucky stomach bug. I had to cancel my plans Saturday and thought I was doing better by bed time. Yet, this sickness laughed in my face at that one as it woke me up all throughout the night, rearing its ugly head, causing me to miss church and cancel my plans today. And while I'd like to think this meme is true, I honestly think God was trying to tell me to slow down a bit. I definitely got the message. I'm feeling fine now and am hoping whatever this was is over. I so hate being sick!

So what else am I saying Hello to this month? I posted the following to Facebook yesterday. It looks like I'll be continuing to say Hello to being more aware of my surroundings, using a little more thought in planning the places I visit, etc. here in Dakar.

But with that said... I will not allow myself to say Hello to fear. I will not allow myself to say Hello to doubt. And I will not allow myself to say Hello to hiding away from the world. No. Instead, I will say Hello to peace. And that's not just any peace... I'll be saying Hello to the peace that can only come from God above...

Past that, my 4th graders and I will be saying Hello to a few different things...

We'll be saying Hello to our last month of school. We have a chapel service to plan/lead. We have a field trip. We have fine arts and awards day. We have an end of the year party. And of course we have our normal day-to-day lessons and activities. We'll definitely be saying Hello to a busy month. But at the same time, all of that busy-ness will allow us to say Hello to time flying by so much quicker...

But just because it's the end of the year, that doesn't mean I'll be saying Hello to slacking off on lesson plans and activities with my 4th graders like the teacher in the meme below... Nope. I've been saying Hello to all sorts of ideas and activities to go along with the lessons we have left to learn before the last day of school. And if I know my kids as well as I think I do, I know they'll be super excited to say Hello to them too :)

And on a lighter, less serious note... I'll be saying Hello to buying less groceries and eating the meals I've been making and putting in my fridge and freezer. I need to empty it out since I don't feel like moving that food when I move apartments (just apartments...I'll still be here in Dakar for anyone wondering). Wish me luck, though. Actually eating that food and not going out and buying fresh food is a hard thing for me to do. Haha :)

And speaking of all of that, I'll be saying Hello to packing my up my apartment, preparing to move to a new apartment. I hate hate hate saying Hello to packing. But even though I hate packing so much, I really am looking forward to being in the new apartment next year. Yay for not having to walk through ankle deep sand to school every single morning next year! :)

I hear ya Mr. Panda. So do I.

And last, but certainly not least, I'll be continuing to say Hello to raising the last bit of my missions support necessary to being fully funded with the Assemblies of God. That means I'll be saying Hello to many pastors and friends as I call/email, working to set up speaking engagements and get-togethers to fill up my summer calendar. I don't have much left to raise. 

As of today, once everyone sends in what's been promised, I'll only need $336 more in monthly support. If you'd like to say Hello to partnering with me each month and supporting my ministry here in Senegal, send me an email at and I'll get you set up. It's super quick and easy. And it's tax-deductible! :)

Want to go ahead and set up a monthly commitment now? Click HERE and follow the prompts to set up a "recurring gift." By doing this, AGWM can automatically deduct that amount each month, leaving you with one less bill to think about each month :)

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