Sunday, May 15, 2016

Pentecost Sunday

Today is Pentecost Sunday. 

I saw the meme below on Facebook this morning.

And while it made me laugh at its accuracy, it also made me think... How many non-Pentecostals think this way? How many people hear I'm Pentecostal and automatically think my church handles snakes from the pulpit of that our women only wear long dresses, no make-up, and never cut our hair (all of which isn't true, by the way - well, except for the make-up which I never wear because I just don't take the time to do so)? 

Being Pentecostal is so much more than that.

I'm thankful for the gift and power of the Holy Spirit, today and every day.

I'm thankful the Holy Spirit isn't limited to a one-time act way back in the Bible days.

I'm thankful that its power is not limited to that day in July 2008 when I received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the physical evidence of speaking in tongues.

I'm thankful that being Pentecostal is more than just being of a certain denomination. 

I'm thankful that being Pentecostal is a way of life.

I'm thankful for the gifts of the Spirit...

I'm thankful for wisdom and knowledge, faith and healing, miracles and prophecy, speaking in tongues, and more.

I'm thankful for the characteristics of the Spirit...

I'm thankful for an advocate, or a helper.

I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit interceding on my behalf when I can't find words to pray.

I'm thankful for conviction when I sin.

I'm thankful for freedom.

I'm thankful for guidance.

I'm thankful for a special prayer language that's between me and God.

I'm thankful for a life with the Holy Spirit dwelling in me,  helping, guiding, teaching, correcting me, and so much more, all the while helping me to draw closer to my Savior. 

... a timely word from my Pastor in Alabama.
And lastly, I leave you with this picture...

A co-worker took this picture of the Senegalese Assemblies of God Pentecost Sunday service. The reports say there were approx. 3000 people in attendance.

What a blessing to see the works of the Holy Spirit!

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