Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dakar and Me 8 Years

It's been 8 years.

How is that possible?

8 years since I stepped onto Senegalese soil for the very first time...

If I close my eyes, I can picture myself there in the Atlanta airport, leaving my parents and brother, and walking towards security/customs. 

It was bittersweet.

On the one hand, I was saying goodbye to my family, my home country, and all that is familiar and comfortable.

But on the other hand, I was saying hello to the anticipation of what was to come. 

And now, here I am in a similar position.

Tonight I will say goodbye to my sister-in-law and nieces. Then tomorrow, I will say goodbye to my mom and brother as I board a plane in Birmingham, hearing back to Dakar. 

But I'll have that familiar excitement in my heart because as sad as my goodbye will be, I am so very ready to head back to where God's called me, to do what God's called me to do. 

It's been 8 years.

Recently, someone asked me how long I was planning to stay in Dakar.

Some days, I could see myself there forever. However, only God knows what's in store for my future. But there's one thing I do know.

God has been with me every step of the way these past 8 years. And I know He'll be with me the next 8 years (and beyond) too.

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