Monday, August 6, 2018


In honor of today being my 33rd birthday, I thought I’d celebrate with a bit of randomness on the blog...

33 Random Things about Me

1. I attended 10 different schools from Kindergarten - 12th Grade. 

2. I absolutely hated moving all the time when I was younger. But now that I’m older, I am so grateful for all those moves. Now I can see all the good - all the blessings - that have come from moving that many times.

3. I have always wanted to be a teacher. That desire has never ever changed.

4. I am a Missionary Teacher. That’s a two-for-one job, so to speak. I’m not just one or the other. I’m both. And I love that.

5. I love to read. But only if I have a long chunk of time to do so... I’ve always hated picking up a book and reading for just 10 mins here or 10 mins there. However, I hope to change this school year. Wish me luck :)

6. School supplies make me happy.

7. So does anything with a pineapple on it...

8. I rarely drank Dr Pepper before coming to Senegal. Now, I can’t get enough. ...which is sad, since it’s not always found here. 

9. I have dislocated my right kneecap twice. Ironically enough, it happened exactly 5 years to the week from the first time to the second. Freaky...

10. I hate almost all gummy candy. The only two exceptions to this rule are the little peach rings and banana laffy taffy’s. Yum!

11. My mom is my best friend. For sure.

12. I love hot tea with no sugar, but I’d prefer iced tea to be sweet.

13. Even though, up until this year, I could’ve lived my life without sweet tea. Now I’m obsessed. Ha :)

14. I didn’t know true love ‘til I met my nieces. I love those two as if they were my own. They are definitely two of my most favorite people!

15. We tried to get my oldest niece to call me Aunt Lizzie (short for Elisabeth) but she couldn’t pronounce the “L”. Instead, she called me “Zizzie” and it stuck. So now, I hope they always call me that :)

16. I am a very fearful person. Night time is the worst for this, too.

17. I love to cook. It’s a stress reliever for me. Plus, I just think it’s fun trying out new recipes or even just experimenting in the kitchen.

18. I am a HORRIBLE baker. I almost always burn cookies or cakes when I bake them.

19. I am a huge procrastinator!

20. I loved writing papers in school. Still do... But make me take a test, and I tense up.

21. I absolutely 100% hate hearing someone say that a person or a thing is “retarded.” That is such an incredibly derogatory use of that word and almost always is used to make fun of someone. So why use it? Is your vocabulary that limited that you can’t think up a better word? See... I hate it!

22. I am starting my 10th full year of teaching. How that is possible is beyond me :)

23. I’m certified to teach Elementary Ed, ESL, and Special Ed and I’ve taught in all three of those areas. But I’d have to say that of the three, Special Ed is definitely my favorite.

24. The day I received my Missionary Associate approval was one of the proudest days of my life.

25. Same with the day I received my License with the Assemblies of God...

26. I’m only 6 classes, a test, and an interview shy of receiving my Ordination with the Assemblies of God.

27. One of the hardest parts of my dad dying is knowing he’ll never walk me down the aisle, nor will he ever meet my future children, if God should see fit to give me those.
28. If I were to leave the mission field, I would become a foster parent.

29. However, I don’t see me leaving any time soon. In fact, I could totally see me staying here forever. We’ll see :)

30. I love teaching children. But put me in front of a group of adults and I get super nervous and scared to speak.

31. I love music. However I usually fall in love with the instrumentals/beat first before the lyrics. So I always make sure to google them to make sure they’re appropriate, before recommending a song to anyone :)

32. I hate the sound of someone crunching ice. It makes my skin crawl.

And last, but certainly not least...

33. It totally boggles my mind that I’m 33 today. I feel like I blinked and a decade or two just flew right by.

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