Thursday, August 30, 2018

What's Up August

Happy Wednesday Y'all

Oops... I forgot to post this yesterday. 


Happy Thursday :)

Today I'm joining  MelShay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 


Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating?

I made this deliciousness this past weekend. I cooked the steak in my grill pan on the stove top. And then I added it to some pasta salad I'd made. Then, once it was all mixed together, I portioned it out for lunches for the week.

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What am I reminiscing about?

I've been thinking a lot about when I injured my wrist last year. Still, after 1 whole year, it's not back to 100%. But, I am definitely better than I once was. And if I have to always live with a bit of soreness and weakness in that wrist, so be it. At least I'm able to continue doing my job, teaching the kids in my care.

Image may contain: Elisabeth Nichols, indoor

Oh, and if you want to read more about the journey God led me on through this wrist injury, you can check that out HERE and HERE.
What am I loving?

Being back in school!

I love the routine of school. I love being back with my students. I love hanging out with this sometimes wild and crazy crew in our "home away from home."

I'd be lying if I said this year's easier than last year. It's definitely more challenging. But we're making it work (well, I might add). I may not be planned weeks or months ahead of time like some teachers. But that's okay. Right? :)

What have I been up to?


It's pretty much consumed the majority of my time.

What am I dreading praying for?

Once again, I'm choosing to switch the "dreading" part with "praying for," knowing there's nothing I'm really dreading. However, I know that there is always, definitely, something and/or someone I can be praying for...

So what am I praying for at the moment?

I'm praying for an issue that's weighing heavily on my heart and mind at the moment. I typically am not a fan of vague prayer requests made on public sites, like I'm giving here. But I can't really give more details than that. 

But will you please join me in prayer? Help me pray that God would work in this situation. Help me pray, too, that God would give me peace about this. I know I'm repeating myself, but it's weighing heavily on my heart and mind, and affecting my sleep, too. And I truly do need peace on this.

What am I working on?

Trying to create a Lesson Plan template that works for me/my class. Due to the craziness with a capital "C" that comes with having students in many different grades/classes/etc., I can't use a traditional lesson plan book like other teachers. So I'm going to make my own. So today after work (well, after my meeting that's after work), I plan to clear off the table, lay out everyone's schedules, blast some music, get some scratch paper and sticky notes, and get to work. Wish me luck :)

What am I excited about? 

You know... I don't really have any one thing in particular.

I'm excited to be back in school. I'm excited to finally be getting into a routine. I'm excited to see my students excited about learning and all the fun things we're doing in class. I'm excited the weekend's almost here (hello, sleeping late). I'm excited that I've lost a few inches, which I can tell by my clothes fitting better. Not sure on the pounds yet, as I haven't weighed myself yet. I'm excited that I might be able to go to the States for Christmas (maybe - not 100% positive yet), which of course makes me excited that I'd be able to see my family, sooner than I thought I'd see them again. So yeah... I'm definitely excited about a lot!

What am I watching?

Nothing at the moment. Any suggestions?

What am I reading?

All about working with and writing IEPs for students with disabilities for the class I'm taking. This class requires a LOT more reading than my last one. And it comes with three (yes, 3!) required textbooks. So I'm often found reading one or the other when I'm at home. And while it may seem boring to some, I love it! I love reading and researching and learning new things about this career I'm in. I'm so passionate about helping the kids God's placed in my care. So any chance to learn more about that is a good thing for me :)

What am I listening to?

Confidence by Sanctus Real is the song that's been on repeat a LOT since I first heard it on the radio over the summer. This song has been such an inspiration to me each time I've listened to it. And even now, more recently, when I've felt my confidence wavering due to a certain situation, it's been just what I needed to hear.

Seriously... If you haven't listened to it before, check it out.

What am I wearing? 

I think it's safe to say that this might be my new favorite necklace. My mom gave it to me for my birthday a few weeks ago. And I absolutely love it! :)

What am I doing this weekend?

I'm going for lunch with a friend on Saturday. Then as of now, I'm planning to just hang out at home, reading ahead and working on some assignments for my class (as a student) the rest of the day. That is, until time to have a couple ladies over for dinner to plan for Kids Club this year. Yay for volunteers! On Sunday, there's church and afterwards, working in my classroom, prepping for the week ahead.

What am I looking forward to next month?

I have lots of fun activities planned for my class!
Kids Club starts back!
Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) at school.
Staff Retreat (Fri. afternoon - Sun. afternoon at a nice hotel)

What else is new?

My balcony was FINALLY finished over the summer. Well, almost... But it's actually usable now. So while it's been too hot to sit out there much at this point, I'm looking forward to hanging out there more during Cool Season :)

Then there's always a special question each month.

August’s question is...

What's your favorite Back to School tradition?

Does sharing a tour of my classroom count? 

If so, I love doing that each year :)

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

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