Friday, August 3, 2018


Happy Friday Y’all

Today I’m joining Anne from In Residence and sharing a bit of what I’m currently up to.

Each month Anne hosts this fun Currently link-up and gives us certain prompts to use...

Want to see what I’m currently up to? 

Keep reading :)

I’m currently following (or at least planning to follow) this advice this comping school year. I love what I do. I am so passionate about doing all I possibly can to serve the students God sends my way. But I have a tendency to take that love/passion and work myself too much. So my goal this coming school year is to remember that I can’t pour from an empty cup...

I’m currently ordering nothing else. I’ve bought so much for my class. I think it’s time to stop buying. Ha! :) But thankfully, I’m all packed and ready to hit the road (skies) on Saturday. 

I’m currently pinning nothing. Pinterest is too much of a time-sucker for me. However, I’m finding so many fun ideas for the classroom while scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. Ideas like...

I’m currently watching nothing terribly exciting on tv. I’ve watched primarily Food Network shows this summer, while back in the land of tv. But that’s about it.

I’m currently counting (rather bittersweet-like) down the hours ‘til I leave Saturday afternoon for Senegal. I’m so excited to get back to this incredible work God has called me to do. But oh my word is it going to be sad telling family (especially nieces) goodbye.

And now, I’m currently heading to my oldest niece’s preschool graduation. 

How is it possible that this little one is old enough to graduate preschool today and then start kindergarten next week?

Now, excuse me while I find Kleenex :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a great school year - and find some great balance in your life there too :)
