Friday, June 7, 2019

A Missions Related Favorite

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A few weeks ago, I wrote a post, sharing 10 things I wish I'd known before becoming a missionary, which you can read HERE if you missed it. However, I accidentally left one thing off. And it's actually a big one. Want to know one of my most favorite lessons  is that I quickly learned after becoming a missionary?

People are so amazingly generous.

 Different mission organizations handle support raising (fundraising) in different ways. I am with the Assemblies of God. We, missionaries, are given a budget to raise, which includes a certain amount of monthly commitments and a certain amount of cash (one-time) donations to procure, as well. 

It's truly humbling to have to ask people for money.

It's not easy.

But you have to realize that you're not just simply asking for a handout. You're asking the person to prayerfully consider partnering with you for the advancement of the Kingdom - for assisting with fulfilling the Great Commission. 

And y'all... That puts it all into perspective a bit more.

So back to the point of this post...

People are so amazingly generous. 

There are people and churches who, for the past 10 years, have sacrificially/generously given each and every month, in support of my ministry.

There are people who have donated food and school supplies.

There are people who have sent care packages and birthday cards and little notes, all in the mail, as reminders that someone's thinking about me. 

There was a dentist who did a major work on my teeth (for free).

There are people who have bought my textbooks for my classes.

There was a family who let me live with them for 5-ish weeks during the summer while I was finishing my Master's degree. 

And then most recently, there was a couple who, out of the blue, contacted me and paid for my summer flight to/from the US.
Y'all, I've seen it so many times.
And each and every time, it makes me catch my breath and I get a little teary eyed, thinking of the generosity of these men, women, children (and whole church groups, too). These people are giving of their own resources to help me and to help my ministry here in Senegal. It really is humbling. It is.

So, yes.

This is most definitely a favorite in this career I call my own.


Today, I'm joining ErikaAndrea, and Narci and for their weekly Friday Favorites linkup. Click one of their names to and join the fun


  1. Amen! I’m starting to experience this right now and it is amazing to see the way God provides through people.

    1. Isn’t it such a humbling (and cool) thing?! :)
