Tuesday, June 11, 2019

He’s here.

Today, I'm joining Ashley and Erika for their monthly Tuesday Talk link-up, where we, bloggers, come together and talk about whatever is on our mind at the moment.

I had something else planned for today’s post. Something light-hearted and random. But my heart wasn’t in it. So instead, I’m writing this...

Sometimes, life is hard.

In the last 4 days, I know of 2 separate incidents that have occurred, leaving children I know seriously injured. One happened here in Dakar, involving a kid I know here. And the other, happened back in Alabama, involving three young children (and their mom) who are part of a family in my home church.

So here’s where my thoughts have been...

Why God?


Yep, that’s it.

I wish I could say that my first thoughts were different than that. I wish I could say that my first thoughts were of a Bible verse or something super spiritual, but they weren’t. It’s hard to fathom why things like this happen. It's hard to understand why these things had to happen to anyone who gets seriously injured like happened in both of these cases... But especially when it involves children.

It doesn’t make sense.

At all.

And that’s where God steps in.

And yes, I know He’s been there along, but you know what I mean...

It’s when I have those big questions that He steps in and says

I’m here.

When it doesn’t make sense...

I’m here.

When we wonder why...

I’m here.

When we don’t know what to say/do...

I’m here.

God is always with us. 

And it’s this model that we should imitate. We need to be there...

Here in Dakar, I watched as neighbors rallied together, leaving their own homes, helping someone else even before fully knowing what was happening... I’ve heard reports of people from all over praying for healing and protection and provision of medical care. In Alabama (well, on Facebook), I’ve watched reports of a family with 4 members fighting for their lives, reading comment after comment about individuals and churches praying. It's times like this that the body of Christ steps up. And it's beautiful to see.

I will never ever understand why things like this happen.



But, in the midst of the bouts of the not understanding...

In the midst of wondering why these sorts of things happen...

I remember

He’s here.

Please help me pray for these people and their families. Even if you don't know the names, you can still pray for healing, for protection, for provision, for strength, for peace and comfort, and for all of those involved to feel, even in the midst of the pain and suffering, and possibly even questioning of God...

Pray that they'll be able to feel

He's there.

God's there.


If you missed my previous Tuesday Talk posts this year, just click on the links below to check them out.

January - Introduction to Me

February - The Little Things

 March - You Might Be A Special Ed Teacher If...

April - Spring Break in America

May - Home Assignments 

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