Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What's Up June

Happy Wednesday Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating?

Chik-fil-a, of course.

What am I reminiscing about?

The 2018-2019 school year. What a year!

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people sitting  

 What am I loving?

I'm loving sharing my heart at churches and over coffee, with small groups and kids' classes... I'm loving telling others about this incredible ministry God has called me to be a part of. I'm loving connecting with supporters and meeting new ones. I'm loving traveling around my home state, seeing the beautiful land I call my sweet home Alabama. And most of all, I'm loving that God has entrusted me with this calling, this gift/opportunity to help further His Kingdom.

What have I been up to?

Soaking up all the family time I can in between speaking engagements

What am I dreading? 

Nothing at the moment... Well, except maybe going outside at any point due to the ridiculously high humidity Alabama is facing.

What am I working on?

I’ve started reading our required summer Professional Development read. I sent my principal the image below as a joke. But I must admit, the teacher nerd in me loves this sort of thing. I love reading these required books, attending workshops and seminars... I love learning. I really do :)

What am I excited about?

My mom got a new puppy. Seeing her happiness over this adorable ball of fur (named Cindy, by the way) made me super happy/excited :)

What am I watching?

My mom and I going my brother and his family last night and watched Toy Story 4 in the theater. I’m so glad I went. I won't share any spoilers, due to so many people not being able to see it yet. But I will say this... I thought the movie was so well done. And yes, I totally cried (more than once). It was a great movie!

What am I reading?

I had big plans of blogging a lot and reading a lot this summer. So far, I’ve blogged none since Summer Break started. And I’ve read two pages out of the book pictured below. The book is good. I just have spent more time hanging out with family, going to church, and relaxing. And y’all... I’m not in the least bit sorry about that. It’s been glorious.

Past that, I have a stack of books, ready to be read. But honestly... I've enjoyed spending time with my family and relaxing and not worrying about reading a ton. And that's okay. Sometimes relaxation involves reading (for fun). Sometimes it doesn't. And I'm okay with that. :)

What am I listening to?

Have you guys heard Jeremy Camp’s song, “Reign in Me”? Such a good song!


What am I wearing?

I found a new hair product that works with my super long, thick, curly head of hair. I realize this is such a non-important thing in the scheme of things. But y’all have no idea how hard it is to tame this frizz ball in the high humidity of Senegal and in Alabama. So finding something like this was huge! And yes, I will be saving quite a bit of luggage space for this goodness :)

What am I doing this weekend?

I'm going to Florala (the city where I graduated high school) for the weekend. There's a parade at this time every year and lots of fun events set up in town. I'll be speaking at one of my supporting churches while there. And my mom will be going with me this time. So it'll be nice for the two of us to have this extra time together. 

What am I looking forward to next month?

Still being on Summer Break for most of it
More speaking about Senegal, including 3 new to me churches!
More family time
Family Reunion
Heading back to Senegal

What else is new?

My newest class just started today. This one will be all about working with individuals with Autism. Autism is such a fascinating diagnosis. And since no two cases of Autism are exactly alike, it makes it all that much more fascinating. So I know I'm going to really enjoy (and learn a lot from) this class.

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

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