Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Want to know what's on my mind today?


I can handle rain. In fact, I, ironically, like a little rain from time to time. But once the thunder and lightning comes, I feel my heart starting to race and I can tell fear is settling in. And it doesn’t leave until the storm is over. 

I’ve lived through many hurricanes and tornadoes. Growing up in Alabama (and a few years in Louisiana), we were almost always right in the path of the majority of hurricanes that hit the US. So whether it was just the thunderstorms or heavy rain from the outer edges of the storms... Or if it was way worse, hiding in a hallway, praying we didn't get blown away as a result... Or wondering how we'd get out of our house as the waters rose....

I’ve seen the destruction these storms can bring. I’ve seen houses and schools and businesses destroyed. I’ve seen vehicles smashed to smithereens. I know people who have been badly hurt and people who have lost loved ones in these storms. I’ve seen major flooding. And I’ve even seen the aftermath of a parts of an entire city which was destroyed by tornadoes.

It was (is) just so scary for me.

So what's the point of me sharing this?

The point is that any time I've ever been in the middle of one of those super scary storms, all I could feel was the fear. I let the fear grip my heart. Sure, I'd pray that God would keep us safe. But it was more of a begging sort of prayer... 

But, each time, once the storm was actually over, and my heart had stopped racing long enough to allow me to finally breathe again, I would fully recognize that God had helped us through it. I knew He'd done it. 

So then why did I still fear it?

Why didn't I just fully trust in God, the One who could wipe away my fear?

Good question.

We face all sorts of storms in life. Sickness, death of loved ones, financial loss, relationship struggles, job troubles, etc., etc., etc. And in the midst of those "storms" in life, how do we respond? Do we respond by cowering in the corner, hearts gripped with fear, covering our head, waiting for the storm to pass? Or do we loosen the grip just a little and hand over the fear and that "storm" to God?

Storms are inevitable.

They will come.

But it's how we respond to them that matters.

God never promised us a problem-free life. He did, however, promise us the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will strengthen us and help us through the problem-filled / storms of life. The Holy Spirit can fill our hearts with a precious peace that can only come from above - even in the midst of the storms of life.


Happy Tuesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Ashley and Erika for their monthly Tuesday Talk link-up, where bloggers come together and talk about whatever is on our mind at the moment. 


 In case you missed the past few months' of Tuesday Talk posts, and you're curious, you can click on the link below to check it out.

January - Confidence

February - When God Gives A Girl A Brother

March - I Spy

April - Technology and Gratitude

 May - The 2019-2020 School Year

June - Forced Rest is Still Rest

July - * no post * 

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