Today's our last day of classes. Next week, I'll have half of my students here and they'll be taking their last 2 exams. And then I have a couple of required Teacher Work Days, before I'm officially on Summer Break.
Every single year I say that my students at the time are my favorite. And this year was definitely no different. Honestly, this school year has been kind of tough. It's been a year of ups and downs. But teaching these kids has definitely been my favorite part of this school year and has produced so many favorite memories.

I'll be sharing more about my favorite memories of this school year on Monday. So be sure to come back then. But I wanted to go ahead and write today to say, once again, that these 5 favorites of mine have made this school year amazing.
And now, I need to put the finishing touches on our Last Day of School party and Class Awards Ceremony. And I should probably find some tissues because any time I talk about my incredible group of favorites, I get all teary eyed. So I imagine I'll be doing that while talking to our kids' parents this morning :)
Today, I'm joining Erika, Andrea, and Narci and for their weekly Friday Favorites linkup. Click one of their names to and join the fun