Thursday, April 8, 2010

101 in 1001

A lot of people are doing this 101 in 1001 blog, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and do it too. :) All you do is make a list of 101 things you plan to do in 1001 days and then blog about your adventure(s) completing your list. I'll be blogging about mine at if you want to check it out. I will, however, post my list on here...just to show you what my plans are...

1. Start a new blog solely for this list & 1001 photo journal.
2. Make a web timer thing for the blog for completing this list & photo journal.
3. Read the Bible all the way through (again).
4. Become a fully-appointed Missionary Associate with the Assemblies of God
5. Go skydiving
6. Go bungee jumping.
7. Meet my future hubby :)
8. Fall in love (maybe even get married)
9. Learn to drive a standard
10. Make a Senegalese meal
11. Visit Goree Island
12. Visit an orphanage
13. Get prayer card pictures taken
14. Go back to South Africa for a visit.
15. Learn to swim
16. Go on a road trip in the US
17. Visit Washington D.C.
18. Visit New York City (airport layover’s don’t count)
19. Visit Canada
20. Get my teeth professionally whitened
21. Read or reread (and write/blog about) 101 books.
22. Read at least 5 “classics.”
23. Read at least 5 biographies or autobiographies.
24. Ride a motorcycle (maybe learn how to drive one)
25. Spend one month trying out a new recipe every week
26. Get a pedicure (maybe even more than one)
27. Make album of my first year in Senegal
28. Make album of my second year in Senegal
29. Do a devotion, Bible Study, lesson, etc. totally in French
30. Get down to goal size/weight
31. Then get a tattoo
32. Keep a food diary for one month.
33. Bargain for something totally on my own (in French)
34. Teach kindergarten
35. Try 5 new flavors of ice cream (already have 2 – Obama and guava)
36. Go on a picnic
37. Start a journal (and actually stick to it)
38. Make Scripture verse cards for purse
39. Make a pie from scratch
40. Make a cake from scratch
41. Learn sign language (more than what I already know)
42. Start over on Year of Thanks
43. Make a list of 20 things I like about myself.
44. Make a new Life Goals list
45. Compile recipes into a book
46. Make a pizza from scratch
47. Make homemade bread
48. Take a photo a day for 1001 days.
49. Make a 1001 photo book.
50. Write a thank you note to a teacher that’s impacted my life.
51. Stop biting my nails
52. Organize songs on iPod into playlists.
53. Get re-certified in CPR.
54. Get certified in 1st Aid.
55. Learn Wolof (more than just greetings).
56. Carry on a conversation in Wolof.
57. Learn to play the guitar.
58. Learn to play the violin.
59. Go on a cruise.
60. Start exercising (and actually stick to it).
61. Deposit at least $10 in my savings acct each month.
62. Write at least one new blog post every week.
63. Read the dictionary from beginning to end in English. Why? to expand my vocabulary.
64. Read the dictionary from beginning to end in French. Why? To expand my vocabulary.
65. Finish Global University/Berean courses to get Certified Minister’s License with the Assemblies of God.
66. Put an extra $5 in savings for every goal not completed.
67. Learn more about my country’s history.
68. Go camping.
69. Learn how to hold/shoot a gun.
70. Go hunting.
71. Learn how to fish.
72. Go fishing.
73. Create an updated address book.
74. Plan weekly menus and shop from those, rather than just sporadic grocery shopping.
75. Wear hair down every day for one week each month.
76. Pay for the person behind me in the drive-thru line once a month (when I’m in the States, obviously).
77. See/experience/take a photo in snow (more than the sporadic flurries AL gets every couple years).
78. Take goofy photobooth pictures.
79. Write (and send) at least one handwritten note/letter a month.
80. Learn how to yo-yo.
81. Create a wallet size 101 in 1001.
82. Learn and understand the rules to football.
83. Learn and understand the rules to soccer.
84. Go horseback riding.
85. Ride a mechanical bull.
86. Do a photoblog of my meals for one week.
87. Make a hard copy “scrapbook” of my blog(s).
88. Purchase scrapbook materials while in the States to take back to Senegal.
89. Give up soft drinks for one month.
90. Give up caffeine for one month.
91. Try 5 new cheeses.
92. Eat Ethiopian food.
93. Memorize one Scripture verse a week.
94. If the process was enjoyable, do a new 101 in 1001.
95. Make popcorn (non-microwaveable)
96. Eat sushi.
97. Eat cow tongue.
98. Buy a waffle maker.
99. Start writing my book (possibly even finish it).
100. Inspire someone else to do a 101 in 1001 challenge.
101. On the 1001st day, start a new 101 in 1001 challenge.

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