Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Big 2-5

1. I was born in Greensboro, Alabama...the same place as the character Forrest Gump. :)
2. I played one year of t-ball and was a peewee cheerleader for one year. I hated both.
3. I worked at a vet's office for almost 5 years and I loved it!
4. I watch the movie, Sweet Home Alabama, about once a week. I can quote it now.
5. I have a hard time memorizing things. ...scripture verses, test information, etc.
6. ...but I can always remember birthdays and phone numbers. In fact, I remember my phone number from when I was in Kindergarten.
7. I've flown lots of times, but I get really nervous checking in at the airport. I can't calm down until I get to my gate. I'm just so afraid something will happen...they'll lose my reservation, they'll change my gate at the last minute, something...
8. I really want to go skydiving.
9. I really want to ride a bull. Why? I guess it's an adrenaline thing. ...although I think I should probably start with a mechanical one.
10. My biggest fear in the world is that I'll never get married. ...what's funny, is I know that God specifically said that I'd work with my husband on the mission me and someone else. But still...
11. I like regular coke and diet pepsi. I do not like regular pepsi or diet coke.
12. I am absolutely terrifed of going to the dentist. I dread the time leading up to going. I dread being at the office. But once he's done cleaning my teeth, I love it and always wonder why I dreaded it.
13. I'm almost 25 years old and I've only dated one guy.
14. When I was little, I dreamed of becoming Miss America. I'd watch any pageant that came on tv. Then I grew up and realized why that'd never be a reality. :)
15. I love lively debates/conversations. ...but I refuse to get involved in one myself unless it's something that I 1)feel strongly for and 2) can actually have enough facts to back myself up with.
16. I write/type a To Do List every night and email it to myself to check at work the next morning.
17. I hate touching raw meat, eggs, and anything slimy like those things... I love eating them cooked though. :)
18. I've lost 30 lbs since coming to Dakar. Yay! ...I'm a little worried about the temptation of fast food and mountain dews and all kinds of other yummy American foods I'll be presented with this summer when I'm in the States.
19. I hate talking on the phone!
20. I love being from Alabama. I absolutely love it! And I really hate it when people criticize my state.
21. I've dislocated my knee twice. ...same knee...both times in July...exactly 5 years apart. Hopefully, that won't be a trend starting.
22. I spent my 18th birthday in the orthopedic surgeon's office...who was absolutely HORRIBLE. If you want to know why, just ask and I'll tell you.
23. I failed my driver's test twice. I guess the saying, Third time's a charm, rang true for me.
24. When my brother got married and moved out, I cried myself to sleep the first few nights because I missed him so much.
25. There's this one dream that I keep having over and over again. ...5 times to be exact. And I really hope it comes true!

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