Monday, August 22, 2016

Q and A Time

How long could you live without tv?

Honestly, I think I could go forever. TV's just not my thing anymore. Yes, I'll watch it sometimes. But I could totally live without it.

What book are you reading?

Finding Zoe by Brandi Rarus and Gail Harris - A friend recommended and sent it to me.

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Thoughts on Pokemon Go?

I think it's silly. But hey... If it makes you happy, go for it :)

When was the last time you cried?

The other night on the phone with my mom... I had a lot on my mind/heart and just needed to unload and get it off my chest. I tend to bottle stuff up inside until I just can't stand it any longer.

Do you usually think too much or too little about things?

Oh I'm definitely 100 % an over-thinker.

Biggest fear(s)?

Snakes! Break ins, bad guys...

What's on your menu for today?

Breakfast - an oatmeal cookie and a handful of mixed nuts
Lunch - sandwich with chips & salsa
Supper - spanish rice with sausage, peppers, & onions

Bible passage you read most recently?

Does 1 Peter count since I'm reading through it with my 5th graders. I'm always impressed at their level of thought when it comes to the Bible. ...even the kids who haven't grown up reading the Bible can give such amazingly deep answers to discussion questions.

Which version of the Bible is your #1?

I like the ESV. 

Share the last selfie you took.

I was with one of our sweet AG kiddos ;)


It's time for cereal. What's in your bowl?

I love Cookie Crisp ;)

Read to or read yourself?

I hate listening to someone else read. Obviously I don't mind in the classroom. That's different. But past that... It's so hard for me to concentrate when someone else is reading. 

Where's your happy place?

...anywhere with my family. Or in London :)

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