Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What's Up May

Happy Wednesday Y'all

Today I'm joining  MelShay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 


Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating?

I've been on a peppermint tea kick lately. Last night, I drank my cup while popping the popcorn for our Kids Club party which will be this afternoon. And yes, I realize this isn't eating. It's drinking. But still... It sort of counts. Right? :)

What am I reminiscing about? 

High School

It really seems like just yesterday that I was wearing that green cap and gown and receiving that diploma. It's so crazy to me that it's been 15 years since I graduated high school. I've changed so much in that time. And I wrote about this last week. If you missed it, you can read that post HERE.

What am I loving?

I'm loving these 4 faces. I'm loving the way they look at for one another and care for one another. I'm loving the fun we have. I'm loving the academic, social, and behavioral growth I'm seeing in them. I'm loving hanging out with them this last week of classes before Summer Break. And I'm loving that I'll have the privilege of being their teacher again next year :)

What have I been up to?

I'm keeping the same answer that I had last month, because it's still true...

I've been contacting pastors, slowly trying to fill my calendar for the summer, in hopes of sharing my heart/passion for this incredible ministry God's allowed me to be a part of. And here's where I insert a shameless plug... If you, your church, your small group, your kids' program, your family, or even just you, yourself, would like to have me come and share about the work God's doing here in Senegal, and beyond, send me an email at and we'll set something up.

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What am I dreading praying for?

I'm going back to erasing the "dreading" part and replacing it with "praying for" instead. At the moment, I have a few main things I'm praying for...

I'm praying for a good ending to our school year. I'm praying for safe travels as I prepare to head back to the US for the Summer Break. I'm praying for open hearts and minds in hearing what I have to share about this ministry God's blessed me with. I'm praying for all the little financial details to be worked out for my missions budget/support and for living expenses this summer. I'm praying for good/special times with my family this summer. And I'm also praying for all the plans that need to fall into place for the upcoming school year, too.

What am I working on?

I'm in the middle of my class (as a student). So each week, I have assignments I'm working on. Every single week there's a multi-page Chapter Summary to write. Then there's also other random assignments along the way. I'm hoping to work ahead as much as possible this coming week, though. That way, I won't have quite as much to do once I get back to the States. Wish me luck :)

What am I excited about?

Have I mentioned Summer Break lately? ;)

Past that, my students were super excited yesterday about having fun with water balloons. I had big plans for "organized" games we could play with the water balloons. But my crew nixed those ideas and asked if they could just have a fun water fight. So that's what we did. And you know what? We had a blast :)

What am I watching?

Image result for royal wedding family picture

I've been watching, in a semi-mesmerized state, so to speak, the videos from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. It was such a beautiful wedding!

What am I reading?

I read a new book this past weekend. Catching the Wind by Melanie Dobson... Y'all, If I'm being 100% honest, I would have to say that this might just be my most favorite book I have ever read. Seriously. It was that good.

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What am I listening to?

I treated my self to some new music the other day via iTunes. The songs below are just a small example of the eclectic variety of music I got :)

What am I wearing?

Y'all, it's been quite chilly the last few nights. The other night I was skyping my mom and looked at the temperature and realized it was 67F! That's crazy for this time of year in Senegal. And ironically enough, it's actually cooler here in Senegal, West Africa, than it is at home in Alabama! Oh and by the way... I'm so not complaining. I'd much rather be cold than hot. That's definitely for sure!

What am I doing this weekend?

Tomorrow's the last day of school for my students. And after lunch, we'll be helping most of the school with a big moving project, moving various classrooms around. Then I'm thinking about going home and crashing and partying hard by going to bed early. Ha! On Saturday morning, I'll work in my apartment, cleaning, and packing stuff away, getting it ready to be closed up all summer. And then that night, I'll be getting all dressed up and going to my school's Junior Senior Banquet. On Sunday, I'll spend the morning, finishing everything at home. Then I'll probably end up packing for my trip to the States. I'll go to church that night, for a special service honoring our graduating seniors. I usually call my mom on Sunday nights. So I'll do that. Then, I'll finish up any last minute grad school work due that night before going to bed. Doesn't my weekend sound simply fascinating? Ha! :)

What am I looking forward to next month?

Seeing my favorite two girls... Well, I'm looking forward to seeing all of my family, of course. But let's face it. These two rank pretty high on my list. :)

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, child, grass, outdoor and nature

What else is new?

I have big plans for my class next year. It's unlikely they'll all come. But if they do, I could have a total of 12 kids in my room. Not all of them will be in here full time. But still... I'm so excited y'all! I've gone from being afraid my class would be cancelled because of potentially having too few students to possibly having too many... I can't wait to see what all God has in store for my crew next year!

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

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