Saturday, December 8, 2012

The 42nd Dear _____ Post

Dear 12, You're how many days are left 'til I get to finally meet my niece. It seems like just yesterday I got the text saying she'd been born, followed shortly thereafter by pictures and videos to show just how beautiful she is. And to think that in just 12 short days I'll get to finally see her in person. Oh, these 12 days are going to fly. I know it.

Dear Cold, You're how I've felt every day this week. ...not cool, not chilly, not okay, but cold! And I've loved every minute of it :)

Dear Bronchitis, I'm glad you're not contagious, so I can keep working. But man, you're kicking my tail, causing me to have to take a nap every afternoon (or not function), causing me to walk slower (or be ridiculously out of breath), and making me sound awful (thanks to crazy loud coughing). I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave. You've overstayed your welcome. Wait a second. What am I saying? You were never welcome in the first place. So get out. Thanks! :)

Dear Shopping List, I'm starting to make you now for my trip to the States. It's always a bit daunting to think of the food, health and beauty products, clothes, etc. that I'll need for the next 5 to 6 months. 

Dear Multi-Colored Christmas Lights, I put you on my tree the other day and you instantly brightened up my living room (literally and figuratively). I sometimes think that I could just sit and stare at you for hours and hours. You're just so fun.

Dear Duck Dynasty, You're such a funny show. You definitely make me laugh. And I just bought the book about your family to read on the plane in a couple weeks. I can't wait to start it!

Dear Packing, Even though I don't leave for 12 (...well, 11 1/2, but who's counting) more days, I'm considering going ahead and starting you. Why? Between teaching, taking my own finals, writing a few long papers, and other events going on here, I'm going to be pretty busy between now and then. So maybe if I pack a little each night, I'll get you done early. ...which would be soooo unlike me :)

Dear Christmas Shopping, I'm heading out in a few minutes to finish you. ...hoping I can find those last couple things I'd like to get for family...

Dear Dessert on the Roof, My fellow apartment building dwellers and myself will be having you tonight as our annual Christmas get-together. Yummy snacks...Tacky Christmas outfit competition...Laughter with friends... I can't wait :)

Dear Answered Prayers, My family (and I, personally,) received some of you. I so love how God loves us, takes care of us, and knows what we need and exactly when we need it. Thank you God for answered prayers!

Dear Protection, You were given to my cousin after a really bad wreck the other day. When I talked to my mom and she told me what happened, all I could think about was how God has His angels camped around her for sure. Thank you Lord for taking care of her!

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