Sunday, July 26, 2015

It's the Little Things - Vacation Edition

My mom and I spent the last 9 days in Mobile, Alabama. For 5 of those days, I was in "work mode" because of a conference I was attending. But the other 4 days were fun, fun, fun! 

And now that we are back home, I can't help but think of some of the "little" blessings God gave me these past 9 days. 

Things like...

...time spent walking/browsing through a farmer's market.

...a Bible verse that stuck out as so applicable to life in America today.

...finding a great sale at a popular children's clothing store, allowing my mom and I the chance to buy some cuteness for my nieces :)

...finding 2 pairs of light up tennis shoes :)

...being able to meet up with an old friend for lunch AND have some good ol' southern food while there.

...seeing a friend from childhood and getting to watch her babies be dedicated at church that morning.

...some down time in between meetings, giving my brain a break (and allowing me to take such awesome selfies as this). Haha! :)

...a school system that supports its teachers to learn and better themselves.

...getting my fill of delicious seafood all week :)

...amazing workshops, such as this one, which helped me dream a little on how to better my teaching of the kids God has placed in my care.

...visiting a church that feels like home.

...visiting a popular breakfast/brunch place that serves delicious hot tea.

...walking around and exploring downtown Mobile with my mom.

...a middle eastern restaurant, that served delicious food at a great price! 

...a beautiful sky on the way back to our hotel one night.

...a quick trip to the beach/pier in Gulf Shores and a reminder of a man who so loved that place.

Of course there are some pictures I somehow managed not to get because I guess I was too busy "living in the moment" to take them, or maybe I'm just getting senile in my old age :)

Pictures of...

...the family whose house we ate at twice, spending time chatting with them, catching up and laughing, and just having a good time together.

...the two co-workers who I "hung out with" during the conference, attending workshops together, chatting in between meetings, eating lunch together, and chatting about our respective jobs and planning for the upcoming school year.

...the friend who I met up with in one of my sessions, and who I was able to give a ride to afterwards. 

...talking to one of my teachers from high school AND him recognizing me, leading me to believe that maybe I don't look 30 years old yet :)

And there were so many more. 

But my most favorite blessing from this trip was being able to spend so much with my most favorite person (besides Jesus of course) - my mama :)

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