Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Coffee Date

Happy Wednesday Y'all 

This month's Coffee Date post is, ironically, all about coffee...

So grab a cup and let's settle in for a chat.

Recently, while chatting with a friend from back home, I told her...

I wish I liked coffee.

I'm an early riser. I always have been. 

Any day I can sleep later than 5:30, I call it sleeping late.
In fact, most days I'm wide awake (whether intentional or not) by 4:45 or 5:00. My alarm is set at 5:30 during the week. But for some reason, my brain just does not like waiting 'til 5:30. 

And honestly, I don't mind. I study my Bible. I do my morning devotions. I pray. I read. I eat breakfast. I do any cleaning/dish washing that needs to be done. I have plenty of time to get ready each day. And then I like to also get to work early each morning to do any last-minute prep for the day at hand. It's just nice to have enough time to do stuff like that AND time to relax before starting my work day every day. Plus, I love not having to run around, rushing to get everything done in the mornings.

So anywho - Back to the chat I had with my friend...

I told her that I wished I liked coffee, knowing it's nice to have a little bit of caffeine to give me that boost of energy I need when I start feeling like I need a nap around 9:30 or 10 each day...

I'm a big fan of tea and Dr. Pepper. But I'd prefer my tea to be sweet and well, Dr. Pepper tastes good, but we all know it's not the best for you (me). 

Thus - The desire to like coffee...

I've drank 2 cups of coffee in my life. One was during college when I had a night class that ended at 8. Then I got stuck in traffic (behind a train) on my way home. So I realized I had no choice but to down as much caffeine as possible or I wouldn't make it safely home. And the other was while driving the 4 hours home after speaking at a church one summer. Same reason... 

And both times?

My friend has made it her mission to change my mind towards coffee. 

She sent me a link to THIS article.

And she's been sending me all sorts of random coffee cuteness too :)

Image result for coffee is amazing

So here's my question, y'all...

Has anyone's taste buds changed, over the years, towards coffee?

Any suggestions on how I could learn to like coffee?

Or should I just give up and just stick with good ol' Dr. Pepper :) 

Image result for Dr pepper heart


The Coffee Date series was started by Erin from Erin Salmon Writes, as a fun blogging exercise each month. And while, Erin doesn't actually host the Coffee Date link-ups anymore, I still think it is fun to share my own Coffee Date post each month. The premise of these Coffee Date posts was, and it still is for me, to pretend that I am on a coffee date with you, my reader, as a friend, and we are chatting about whatever is on our minds at the moment.

So with that said...

What about you?

If we were on a coffee date, what would YOU share with me?


  1. You need chocolate flavored coffee. Or vanilla flavored. And add flavoring to it. It's the only way I can drink it and I do enjoy it when it's got cream and flavor. So buy yourself some Torani syrup, have someone ship your some flavored coffee and find your thing. 🥰

    1. I like the idea of adding chocolate to it! :)
