Thursday, October 3, 2019


 Happy Thursday Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each
month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

October's prompts are...

* arranging * loving * embracing * purchasing * sharing *


I'm currently arranging a blog post, listing some of the books which have made an impact on my life over the years. Check back tomorrow to see which books made the list.

I'm currently loving Wednesday dinners with friends. Each Wednesday, after Kids Club, we go to dinner. It's such a nice time to get off campus for a bit, chat about our week, eat good food, and just laugh and talk and enjoy the time together.

I'm currently embracing (or at least, I'm trying to) the ridiculously high heat and humidity that comes with Hot Season in my part of West Africa. There's no getting around it. It's here to stay. So instead of letting it get to me, I'm finding ways to work through it. Hello hottest month of the year in Senegal!

I'm currently purchasing mangoes as much as possible. I'm cutting them up and stocking my freezer with them so I can have them for smoothies and other yumminess even when they're no longer in season.

I'm currently sharing (or at least I shared it the other day on Facebook) the quote below. I believe this so much. When dealing with some of the behavior situations that I deal with in my role as a Special Education Teacher, you quickly realize that the reasons for behavior are rarely just a kid purposefully choosing to "be bad." I am so encouraged when I hear of teachers (or anyone, really) truly getting to know their students and taking the time to determine the "why" behind the bad behaviors they're exhibiting.

And since it’s my blog, and I can, here are a few more Currentlys :)

I’m currently (still) thinking about the book, Educated, by Tara Westover. It was such a good book. One of the best I've read in quite some time. I highly recommend it!

And speaking of books...

I'm currently reading this book on the life of Calvin. It's a biography and it starts off with his childhood. I'm only a little more than half into the first chapter. But so far, I'm interested. I'm thinking that once I get further into the book, I possibly won't be as interested, due to differing opinions on quite a few things. But hey, that might make it interesting as well. ;) Anywho - for now, I'm definitely enjoying the book. And I'm all for learning new things about new (to me) people. So, 'tis a good read, for sure.

Image may contain: 1 person

I'm currently missing my nieces. I mean, how could I not? Look at these adorable faces! Christmas Break will be so nice. I can't wait to love on these two little ones.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

I'm currently writing again. And after a few weeks of not doing so, it's nice to be back at it. I always forget how relaxing it is. Plus, it's one of the few creative qualities I have. 

  So what about you?

What are your currently up to?


  1. Yes, Educated was definitely a book that stuck with me for a long time after finishing! I just finished listening to Michelle Obama's Becoming and it's sticking with me too. And yes, I'm with you on the attitude of learning to embrace whatever weather season you're in - not really anything we can do to change it, so either we can be annoyed all the time or we can learn to work through it. And remind me in freezing cold January in Michigan that I am about this good attitude ;-)

  2. I have Educated on my list to read!

    And I love that quote - so very important and so true. My son has Cerebral Palsy and has a speech delay. The frustration from not being able to always express himself displays as behaviors sometimes. I have learned to pay attention to the whole picture. :)

  3. Educated is so good. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings on that book.

  4. Educated is on my to-read list, too!!!! And Wednesday dinners with friends sound DELIGHTFUL!

  5. Educated is on my reading list as well. And I'll be mulling over that quote as well. Thanks for sharing.
