Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kids say the sweetest things...

Miss Elisabeth, I'm going to miss you ever so much when you go across the ocean.

This is what one of my kids from Children's Church said to me tonight. I couldn't speak at first. I just hugged him. Then I told hm that was the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. And it was...

In the past year and a half I've grown to love this group of kids. They range in age from 4 to 12, and all are so close to my heart. It's going to be hard to leave them, but I know God will send someone even better than me (hard, I know) :) to take my place.

So, in conclusion, here's some of the sweet (and funny) things my Children's Church kids have said...

"How long will it take you to drive to Africa?" Well sweetie, I'll be flying. It's too far to drive. "But Miss Elisabeth, we go to the beach every year and it's a far drive."

"Jesus is the Life of Bread. He gives us life like bread...long and healthy."
-- on explaining how Jesus is the Bread of Life.

"Heal these bodies Lord and save them so they don't get super hot in the bad place." -- a prayer for the sick people and lost people in the world.

"Jesus loves everybody and he doesn't care what color people are...white, black, blue, green. He loves them all." Sweetie, there aren't blue and green people. "Yes ma'am there is. Those are my friends you and mama can't see." -- a 4 year old telling me that Jesus loves everybody (even imaginary friends)

My prayer for tonight...

Dear Lord, please help these children grow into the adults you want them to be. Help them reach their full potentials in whatever you call them to do. And Lord, please let the person that takes my place love these children as much as I have.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at this till I cried! We should all be as special and unique as these kids!
