Friday, July 31, 2009

Looks Can Be Deceiving

This blog was also written while I was on the plane heading to Dakar.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Looks can be deceiving"? Well, I just experienced that saying first-hand.

I just finished my in-flight dinner, comprised of some beef and rice dish, salad, bread and cheese, a brownie, and what I thught was turnip greens. That's where the deceiving part comes in...with the green substance on my meal tray. Any true Southern (and Alabama) girl should know her greens. I think it's programmed into our DNA when we're created. Anyways...I took one bite, expecting to taste turnip greens and boy was I disappointed. It was spinach with some kind of potato in it...not turnip greens.

So...the reason for me sharing this is to make a comparison. Sometimes looks can be deceiving when it comes to Christians too. Sometimes they go to church, raise their hands, pray, maybe even have roles of leadership. They do it all and on the outside they look like a Christian, but when they're alone they're different. They watch movies and t.v. shows they shouldn't watch. They say words they shouldn't say. They participate in activities they shouldn't participate in. They do all these things when no one is watching...

Of course this really isn't the case. There is someone who is watching all the time... God knows everything we do and say. So why do we try and hide from him?

I can sum all I've said in three sentences. A Christian should live his/her life the same on the inside and the outside. Don't let anyone, including yourself, be deceived by your looks. Let everyone know who you are and what you stand for.

**Disclaimer... this isn't the best picture of turnip greens, but the only one I could find. :)

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