Friday, June 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday (...posted on a Friday)

Sometimes it's the little things in life that stick out in your mind the most. For this week's post, I'm highlighting some of the little things I've been thankful for since arriving back in America for my summer vacation, such as...

- being able to sleep in A/C every night.

- ordering ice water at restaurants and not having to worry about their filtering process.

- having access to a car that's an automatic.

- finding a magnet with one of my "life quotes" on it to take back to Dakar.

- finding things I need for Dakar on sale.

- constant electricity.

- constant running water.

- free WIFI at a lot of restaurants.

- getting together with friends.

- fruits and vegetables that don't have to be soaked in bleach water before being eaten.

- an email from a friend coming right when you need a pick-me-up the most.

- a song coming on the radio with a message from God for exactly what you're dealing with right now.

- buying jeans 2 sizes smaller (that fit) than what you were wearing a few months ago.

- seeing that Master's diploma and knowing all those late nights were worth it.

- eating my mom's good ol' Southern home cooking.

- being able to hold, feed, play with, rock to sleep, spend time with, etc. my niece.

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