Friday, August 9, 2013

The 73rd Dear _____ Post

Dear Family, I have so enjoyed spending so much time with all of you this summer. It's so hard being so far away from you for the majority of the year. But times like the ones we've had this summer make up for that at least a little. I love you all so very much!

Dear Daisy, You are now 1 year old! You can walk and say a few words already. My favorite is when you say "Lizzie" and reach for me. Talk about making my heart melt :) When I say goodbye to you tonight, I know I won't see you again for 10 months. I'm so sad, but I know your parents are good about sending pictures and videos, so that helps. I love and am going to miss you so much sweet girl!

Dear 9, You're the number of states I've visited this summer, counting the state I live in. And that's not counting Washington D.C.! I've visited New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida, and of course, Alabama.

Dear Rental Car, I put a total of 5768 miles on you, thanks to quite a few out of state (and long in-state) trips I made this summer. Thanks for being a safe, reliable, and nice to drive vehicle.

Dear 10 Months, You're how long I'll be gone once I leave for Dakar. While I realize that's not very long for some people, that will be the longest I've ever been gone...

Dear Paperwork, I have you in my bag, ready to hand to the customs agents in Dakar, who'll hopefully take you and not require me to purchase a visa to get in the country.

Dear Dakar, I'll see you on Sunday!!!

Dear Power Cuts in Dakar, They say you've been pretty rough this summer. I think you should stop happening when I get there. Sounds good, right? :)

Dear Jet Lag, You seem to always attach yourself to me when I arrive back in Dakar. I'll be landing on one day and then going straight to work the next day, so Jet Lag, I need you to not be so bad this time. Pretty please? :)

Dear Luggage, You're all packed and ready to go. I need you to stay safe through every leg of my flight back to Dakar. I need you to also arrive in Dakar at the same time as me. Don't get lost along the way please. Thank you!

Dear General Council Services, You were so incredible! I'm so glad I got to be here this week! I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit so strongly in every single service! 

Dear Calling God's Placed on My Life, I so love you. I honestly feel so incredibly blessed to be fulfilling you by doing what I do. I'm a missionary. How cool is that?! :)

Dear ESL Teacher, You're my new job title at DA. I'll be honest. I'm still a bit nervous. But at the same time, I'm excited. This is a new adventure and I can't wait to get started :)

Dear Kids Club, I bought a year long curriculum for you earlier this summer. I've bought new craft supplies. I've browsed the Internet for new game ideas. Now I'm ready to get you started back up again. I really need another adult to help me lead you though, so I'm praying that I can get that when I make my plea at our staff meeting next week. *Hint, Hint to any of you reading this :)

Dear Wednesday, You're the day our students start back to school. I can't wait!

Dear Churches, Families, and Individuals that Support My Ministry in Dakar, Thank you for joining me in this adventure. Thank you for your continued support in the form of prayer, finances, love, and encouragement. Thank you for your help in ministering to the children of Dakar Academy in in Dakar, Senegal. Thank you!

Dear Memories from this Summer, Thanks for being so awesome!

Dear God, I don't thank you nearly enough for the blessings you've given me. So thank you! I don't deserve any of this, but you give it to me anyway. Thanks God!!!

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