Saturday, August 3, 2013

The 72nd Dear ____ Post

The 72nd Dear ____ Post

Dear Saying Goodbyes, You stink. ...big time!

Dear Packing, Guess who's waited 'til the last minute to do you again. I'll be working on you this afternoon/evening when I get home.

Dear Dental Work, I had you done earlier this week. Normally, I'd dread you, but the dentist was AMAZING and totally gave me the biggest blessing ever by doing all the work (over $1000 worth) for free! 

Dear Birthday Party, I am going to you tomorrow for my niece. I can't believe she's about to turn 1 year old! Where did the time go? :)

Dear Orlando, My mom and I leave for you tomorrow night. I get to have a road trip with my Mama, visit a city I've never been to before, and go to General Council and hang out with my AG buddies. I can't wait!

Dear 8.5 Hours, You're how long the GPS says it will take us to drive to Orlando. Of course that's not counting traffic or pit stops, so I'm betting it's gonna be a long one.

Dear Animal Kingdom, Guess who gets to visit you on her birthday. This girl! Thank you to the sweet person that paid for tickets for my mom and me to go! Happy Birthday to me! :)

Dear 3, You're the number of days left 'til my birthday. I'm excited! :)

Dear 1 Week Exactly, You're how much time I have left until I leave for Dakar. This summer has just flown by!

Dear iTunes Card, You're what I received from somebody this week for my birthday. Yay for free music and that new book I've been wanting to buy :)

Dear Suitcase FULL of School Supplies, You're what a church sent to me, along with the money to pay for it to be brought to Dakar. There was over 100lbs of stuff sent! Oh my word! I was so incredibly overwhelmed by this generosity! 

Dear Mountain Dew, I'm planning to buy you at the airport in New York. You'll be my caffeine of choice to keep me awake during those all day staff meetings the two days after I arrive back in Dakar. Here's hoping you help fight the jet lag that I'm sure will be coming.

Dear New (and improved) Smile, I love you. For the first time in my life I don't mind smiling for photos :)

Dear Next Weekend, You're going to be a busy one. I'll be driving back from Orlando on Friday. I'll be leaving, flying to Dakar on Saturday. And I'll be landing in Dakar on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. We need a pic for your new beautiful smile!!
