Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The 129th Dear _____ Post

Dear Alabama Weather, You are so bizarre. It'll be freezing cold one week and then burning up hot the next week. It's no wonder people are sick so much.

Dear New Bible Study, I started you this past weekend. I'm reading, praying, and journaling through the entire Bible. I can't wait to see how God works through this time of more deeply studying the Bible.

Dear Coupon, I got one of you last week from Shutterfly for two free 8x10 prints. I so love that company!

Dear Day Off From Work, I had you yesterday and I must say... You were quite nice. I love my job. I love my students. But having a day off, being able to sleep late, and just hang out in my pjs all day is pretty great too :)

Dear Reba (the tv show), I laughed my head off, watching you yesterday. You're such a funny show. And you're actually clean, which is a rare characteristic in t.v. shows today.

Dear Measles, Apparently, there's been a outbreak recently. The problem? So many parents continue to decide to not vaccinate their children, so it will most likely continue to spread. Scary knowing I work with kids...

Dear Pain in My Side, You've gotten some better. But boy do you still hurt, especially when I bend over or I pick up something heavier than I should. Ouch!

Dear Quotes, The ones of you that I used in yesterday's post on MLK were all good, but one definitely stood above the rest in my opinion...

Dear Prayer, I've received so many emails containing requests for you this week. My heart breaks for so many of my friends and colleagues (both current and former) dealing with sickness, death, civil unrest, emotional trauma, and so on and so forth. I write down each and every one and spend time talking to my Savior about each of them. 

Dear Soup, You are such a nice meal this time of year. It's still cold outside, so eating a bowl of nice, hot soup totally hits the spot.

Dear New Bible, I started using you yesterday. I'm so glad I bought you. What a great purchase you're proving to be!

Dear Senegal, I was doing good. I hadn't had any intense homesickness lately. Then you hit me pretty hard at one point last week. I wonder if that feeling will always be there...

Dear Lunch for This Week, Each day I'll be having veggie wraps with roasted garlic hummus, celery, radishes, and carrots all wrapped in whole wheat tortillas. Yum!

Dear Cute Grin, You're what my youngest niece has in the picture below. It's hard to believe this little girl is already 8 months old. It seems like just yesterday my brother was calling me to tell me she'd been born :)

Dear Whatever You're Doing by Sanctus Real, You're a good song. You know, I've heard you many times, but I finally stopped and took the time to truly listen to your lyrics the other day. Thanks for the lesson you taught me then. Sorry it took me so long to truly listen to you.

Dear American Sniper, I so want to go see you. Anyone up for a trip to the movies next weekend? :)

Dear Mom, I think you're Superwoman. Just so you know :)

Dear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I wrote a blog post on you yesterday. You were such an influential man. I just wish more people (of all races) followed your philosophy of people getting along and working together. The U.S. (and beyond) would be a much better place.

Dear God, Send peace to this land. We so desperately need it.

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