Monday, February 11, 2019

10 on the 10th

Happy Monday, Y'all

I love "Day in the Life" style posts. It's always fun to look back and see what my day consisted of at the time I posted. And since I normally do these on school days, I thought I'd switch things up and show a typical Sunday in my world. 

However, as we all know... Very rarely do things go according to plan. So while I did document my day, it was definitely not "typical."

Anywho - On with the post...

For many years, I've followed Mel's blog, The Larson Lingo. And while she isn't blogging anymore, she did still issue her 10 on 10 challenge on Instagram. So I thought this was the perfect excuse to document my day.

My day started later (much later) than usual. I'm definitely an early riser. So if I end up sleeping late, you know something must be wrong. l woke up around 9ish, coughing up a lung - or so it felt. I knew I didn't want to be coughing all during church. So I stayed home, I took some Nyquil, and moved my pillow to the couch, so I could sleep the morning away. And that I did.


I dozed on and off most of the morning. And in between, I read a bit from James chapter 2, reviewing our previous week's lesson from Bible Study. There is so much to be learned from the book of James.

A few hours later, I started feeling like myself again, so I got up and made some lunch. I'm a big fan of leftovers. So today's lunch was leftover bunless sloppy joe and salad. Nothing fancy. But definitely tasty...

Then shortly after that, I threw a roast in the crockpot with some ranch seasoning to add some good flavor. And I let the crockpot do it's magic. I'm making shepherds pie later in the week and the recipe I'm using calls for "leftover" pot roast. So I figured I'd go ahead and make it yesterday while I had the extra time.

I then went back to the couch and read for a bit 'til a friend called, asking if I wanted to run to the store with them. Since my coughing had stopped, I thought a little fresh air would do me good. But first, I had to add more credit to my phone since I was out. Our phones are all pre-paid here. So this little card cost me 10,000cfa which is approximately $18. And it'll last me probably 2 or 3 weeks, depending on how many calls I make or how many texts I send.

I then threw my laundry in the washer on my way out the door.

My friend and her family needed to buy groceries. So we stopped at a couple different places. I grabbed the rest of the ingredients for all the baking I'll be doing this week. Between Valentine's Day parties and a presentation day in my class, I have to make a lot of tasty treats. And I'm out of most things related to baking. So at the grocery store, I grabbed all of those. Then, we stopped at the American Food Store in town. This is where we can stock up on American food and toiletry items. I don't shop here often. I can't. Most of the stuff there is super expensive, due to having to pay for import taxes/fees and stuff. But every now and then, it's nice to have a taste of "home," you know :)

Once I got back, I stopped by my classroom to do some prep work for school this week, but since the internet wasn't working, I gave up and brought my computer home to work there, instead. Before I did any work, though, I did a bit of meal prep for the week and cleaned up my kitchen, and then I made some sweet tea for the week as well.

And then because it was so hot in my kitchen, I was pouring sweat by the time I was done. So I had zero desire to eat something hot for dinner. So instead, I opened a can of chicken and made chicken salad. I added some chips and salsa to my plate. And voila - a quick, easy, and tasty dinner was served.

After I ate, I finally turned my laptop back on, did a bit of prep work for teaching the next day (today). And then I put on my "student hat" and finished up my assignments that were due last night. 

After that, I drank some tea, feeling grateful for that purchase of a box of decaf tea bags that I made, while in the States over Christmas Break. I did a few more things around my apartment. And then after a lot of tossing and turning, due to lots of stuff swirling around in my mind, I finally went to sleep.

And that was my (not so typical) Sunday.

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