Friday, February 22, 2019

This Week's Top 5

Happy Friday, Y'all

This was a 4 day week for us at my school. And as a friend and I both said yesterday, 4 day weeks are sometimes far more exhausting. Plus, today's not a "real" day, since we're having Olympics at school today. So, technically, we've only had 3 "normal" days in the classroom. But, it's been fun nonetheless.

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Here's my Top 5 Favorites from this week and last week as well, since last week I did something different with my weekly Top 5 post last week.

~ one ~

My crew did such a good job presenting their research findings last week. They worked so hard on this project and anyone could see that. I was so incredibly proud of them. And this project ended up being a definite favorite for me.

We had presentations on people.

We had one presentation on Ottawa, the capitol of Canada.

 And we also had one presentation on food native to Canada.

~ two ~ 

This week in Kids Club, we had our annual "Kids Club Olympics" afternoon, where we use a few games and activities to remind us of how the Olympics can help us learn more about our Savior. It was a fun afternoon. I loved seeing how well our kids worked together, laugh and play with each other, and racing to win the relay race. Then in the end, those puzzle pieces were put together to illustrate a Bible verse we had learned. 

~ three ~

One of my students has just finished a chapter on the various types of land and water biomes. So as an end of chapter project, I gave him the assignment of creating a book with information about different biomes, which he will be able to eventually share with a younger grade. He's been working so hard on this book. And I've loved seeing his creative mind at work, researching more info about each biome. I can't wait to see his final, completed product.

~ four ~

One of the hardest parts of being an aunt is living so far away from my nieces, missing out on all the big moments of course. But also missing out on just spending time with them, treating them to a meal or a treat, hanging out with them, playing with them, reading stories to them, etc. So one thing I love about the missions community is being able to be "fake aunt" to so many of our MKs. I love that I can love on my friends' kids and hang out with and get to know these incredible kids.

~ five ~

One of my (non-American) students challenged me to a competition to see who could do a better job at memorizing the states in the USA. The rules were simple... He had 2 weeks to study/memorize. He then was given a blank map and had to write all the states in their correct spots on the map. I, on the other hand, due to being an American and supposedly already knowing all 50 states well, was given only 3 minutes to list the states. And guess who won... My guy wrote all 50 states in their correct spots on the map, while I was only able to list 34 on a separate piece of paper, in the time provided. I have never seen a child so excited about learning something. So yes, I'll be treating him to lunch tomorrow as a reward :)


Today, I'm joining ErikaAndrea, and Narci and for their weekly Friday Favorites linkup. Click one of their names to and join in on the fun.

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