Monday, November 11, 2019

Gratitude for The Bible

Happy Monday

On the first Monday (or on the second Monday, when I forget the week before) of each month, I share a bit of gratitude here on the blog. Sometimes I share gratitude for a certain person or a certain thing. Sometimes I share a random list. And sometimes, I share a lesson God is teaching me. And today...

Today, it is all about a book. 

Well... I guess I should say that it's all about THE Book.


Last week, I was online, doing a bit of studying on some Bible/church related topics. And I came across a quote that has, since, stuck with me...
"Here, then, is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work. Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion. Our problem is that we are lazy."
 - R.C. Sproul


How often have I used these excuses?

 So then that got me thinking about the Bible. And while, I had something else planned for today's blog post, I can't stop thinking about this...

I'm grateful for the Bible.

I'm grateful for the truth (The Truth) it contains.

I'm grateful that even when I've let a bit too much time go in between reading/studying, God has still chosen to teach my lazy self a lesson or two.

 I'm grateful for the gift of teaching at a Christian school, where we incorporate a Biblical worldview into the lessons we teach.

I'm grateful for students who love to read the Bible.

I'm grateful for students asking the tough questions, forcing both them and me to dig deeper into The Word and explore The Truth this precious book contains.

I'm grateful for time to study and reflect.

I'm grateful for the joy I feel when reading the Bible.

I'm grateful for words, inspired by God, written by man thousands of years ago, that still are applicable/relevant to my life today.

I'm grateful to have always lived in countries that allow me to freely read this precious book. And I'm also grateful for all the men and women who risk their lives to share this precious book in countries which are not as free as my own.

So yes...

Today, and every day, I am, indeed, grateful for The Bible.


I started my monthly Growing in Gratitude posts, as part of the link-up fun, hosted by Julie from Fall into Life, where bloggers would share a bit of gratitude each month. Julie stopped hosting the link-up this past summer. But I decided to keep posting a monthly gratitude-themed post. After all, there's always something for which we can be grateful. Right? :)

And, in case you missed my previous month's posts...

You can click below to read them.

February - My Why

March - Photos from February  

April - Random List of Gratitude 

May - Lessons Learned

June - The 2018-2019 School Year

July - Random Bits of Gratitude

 August - 34 Reasons Why I'm Grateful

September - Hope 

October - Impactful Books


So what about YOU? 

What are you grateful for today?

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