Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
What am I eating?
I made something new the other day. I had some rice and cooked chicken in my fridge that needed to be used. So I tried to think of something using both of those. And voila - out came a new recipe. I'm calling it a Cheesy Buffalo Ranch Chicken and Rice Casserole. I totally just threw it all together and it came out delicious! For dinner that night, I paired it with a salad and voila... A tasty dinner!
And because I made too much for just me to eat, I ended up freezing some of it for a meal later on, when I just really don't want to cook.
What am I reminiscing about?
About how two years ago at this time, my left arm was basically useless, due to needing to immobilize my injured wrist. Oh my, it was so painful. And ironically, enough, this past week it was bothering me a bit. I couldn't figure out why. But then, there was one day where it rained off and on all day. Hello Arthritis, I feel ya. But you're more than welcome to leave at any time. Sincerely, Me.

What am I reminiscing about?
About how two years ago at this time, my left arm was basically useless, due to needing to immobilize my injured wrist. Oh my, it was so painful. And ironically, enough, this past week it was bothering me a bit. I couldn't figure out why. But then, there was one day where it rained off and on all day. Hello Arthritis, I feel ya. But you're more than welcome to leave at any time. Sincerely, Me.

What am I loving?
What have I been up to?
My newest class started last week. It's all about Literacy Instruction for All. It's on one of my my most favorite topics in education. And it's taught by my favorite professor at Southeastern. So double bonus!
What am I dreading?
Honestly, there's nothing I'm really dreading.
Honestly, there's nothing I'm really dreading.
What am I working on?
Trying to gather resources and materials to help me teach my students what they need to know this year. I have to plan 10 lessons a day. And by October, that number will rise to 15! And I do the bulk of my planning on the weekend. So I'm trying to work on a better system for that. Lesson planning is no joke, y'all :)
Trying to gather resources and materials to help me teach my students what they need to know this year. I have to plan 10 lessons a day. And by October, that number will rise to 15! And I do the bulk of my planning on the weekend. So I'm trying to work on a better system for that. Lesson planning is no joke, y'all :)
What am I excited about?
Kids Club starts back today! I'm so excited to welcome our students back, to share the love of Jesus with them, to pour into their sweet lives, and to get to know them better as we study The Word together each Wednesday. I've got copies made, supplies laid out, and volunteers arranged. I can't wait!
Kids Club starts back today! I'm so excited to welcome our students back, to share the love of Jesus with them, to pour into their sweet lives, and to get to know them better as we study The Word together each Wednesday. I've got copies made, supplies laid out, and volunteers arranged. I can't wait!
What am I watching?
I haven't watched anything since getting back to Dakar. But this weekend, I plan for that to change during some down time. Anyone have a suggestion for me of what to watch? Movies, TV shows... Anything.
I haven't watched anything since getting back to Dakar. But this weekend, I plan for that to change during some down time. Anyone have a suggestion for me of what to watch? Movies, TV shows... Anything.
What am I reading?
Over Summer Break, I read The Best of Enemies by Osha Gray Davidson, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, Fisherman's Blues by Anna Badkhen, and Faithful to Complete It by Larry Walker. There was quite the eclectic mix.
And right now, I'm reading 3 different books... I'm re-reading Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson. It's such a good read. I'd definitely recommend it.
What am I listening to?Over Summer Break, I read The Best of Enemies by Osha Gray Davidson, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, Fisherman's Blues by Anna Badkhen, and Faithful to Complete It by Larry Walker. There was quite the eclectic mix.
And right now, I'm reading 3 different books... I'm re-reading Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson. It's such a good read. I'd definitely recommend it.
I've been on a hymn kick lately. I've been reading through the lyrics of certain hymns, really paying attention to the words they contain, researching the history behind them, studying them, etc. I've always loved In the Garden. So it's basically been on repeat a lot lately. And each time I start to hum it to myself, I smile, thinking of the mental picture of this beautiful garden all around us. It's quiet. And there I am walking and talking with my Savior. I love that!
What am I wearing?
Ah, closed toe shoes... I know you're professional. And I know you're cute. Know that I truly appreciate those facts about you. But you and my poor feet just do not get along. That's why you see the little white spot of a band-aid peeking out on my right foot/toes...
Ah, closed toe shoes... I know you're professional. And I know you're cute. Know that I truly appreciate those facts about you. But you and my poor feet just do not get along. That's why you see the little white spot of a band-aid peeking out on my right foot/toes...
What am I doing this weekend?
At this point, I am planning to be quite productive on Saturday. I'm going to be doing some classroom prep, some Kids Club prep, some Drama Team prep, and I'm going to work on my latest class (as a student). There's a lot to do. But my goal is to cram it all in to my day on Saturday. So that way on Sunday I can go to church and then go home afterwards and crash and sleep the rest of the day away. :)
What am I looking forward to next month?
We have 3 days off from school. And yes, they're Professional Development days. But at least, I don't have to teach all day or wear dress shoes. Ha! :)
Past that, I have some fun activities planned for my classes, including a fun writing project with one group, a science experiment with another, some new technology related activities, and more. I love planning new and fun things for my crew!
What else is new?
Nothing much - Same ol' same ol' :)
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
What are YOU up to this month?