Saturday, May 25, 2013

The 63rd Dear ____ Post

Dear 5, You're how many more school days I have with my students before summer break. It's so bittersweet to think of this school year being over.

Dear ESL, Guess what! You're what I'm going to be teaching next year. It's FINALLY official so I feel like broadcasting it to the world! Hey world! I'm going to be an ESL teacher next year!

Dear "You're the type of girl a guy wants to marry...not date,"A friend and I were discussing you the other day based on something another of our friends posted on Facebook.. You're a phrase that is intended as a compliment, but when heard by a girl, is typically not taken that way. So what was the consensus drawn by my friend and me? Yes, you're a compliment. But we both agree that even if it is a compliment, it doesn't feel that great to hear...

Dear Field Trip, My class will be attending you this coming Tuesday. We're taking trip to the zoo and will have a picnic at the park. My crew is super excited!

Dear Thai Restaurant in Dakar, You are such a nice place. You're decorated beautifully. You're staff is great. And your food is delicious! Thanks for being such a nice "escape" this past Thursday. You were amazing.

Dear Bought a Dress, You're something I just recently did. My school has it's Junior Senior Banquet next weekend and as a staff member, I'm invited to attend. It's a pretty fancy night, so I needed a nicer dress to wear. So imagine my delight when I tried this one on and fell in love with it! :)

Dear Sweet Home Alabama (the state - not the song or movie), Guess who gets to see you in 18 days from today... That'd be this girl! I'm so excited!

Dear Mini Vacation, I get to experience you on my way home from Dakar. Thanks to some family friends acting as hosts/tour guide, I get to spend a few days visiting parts of my own country where I've never been. I'm so excited!!!

Dear Smaller Sizes, I'm able to fit into you now. I guess my hard work has paid off. Talk about an ego boost! :)

Dear Fun Idea for Last Day of School, I found you on Pinterest the other day. Oh my word... I can't wait to put you into action. You're going to be awesome! I hope my kids like it!! :)

Dear Les Mis', I rented the latest version of you through iTunes. And as much as I was looking forward to watching you, if I'm being honest... You really weren't that great. Sorry...

Dear 4:15 a.m., You're what time I woke up this morning. I had big dreams of sleeping late today, but no... Why in the world was I wide awake at 4:15? Oh well... It gave me a few extra hours to catch up on some work and some reading. So that was nice. And I suppose I can always take a nap later.

Dear God, Thanks for the lessons you're teaching me right now. I know I don't understand them all. But I know you know what's best for me. So I'm really trying harder to simply accept that and stop worrying about what I don't understand. Jeremiah 29:11 is so applicable to this and I seem to be quoting it to myself over and over again.

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