Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What's Up May

Happy Wednesday Y'all

I have a couple questions. How is it only 2 days from being the last day of May?! Didn't 2019 just begin?! I say it every year. But I swear May just flies by.

Today, I'm joining Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating?

We're having our End of the Year Kids Club party this afternoon. So this past weekend, I made 7 dozen cupcakes. And then this morning, I made 2 lbs of popcorn. Then a friend made the frosting and will be decorating them later today. And we'll all share this tasty treat together as we wrap up another year in Kids Club. 

  What am I reminiscing about?

All the fun times I had this school year with my crew... I'll be writing far more about it on the blog on Friday and then again on Monday. So be sure to come back on those days for more details and pictures. But I'll say this. This year has been the most difficult of my 10 year teaching career. But even so, I have had so many good things happen this year. And I can honestly say that I have absolutely, positively, thoroughly loved spending time with and teaching the absolutely incredible students God has sent my way.

 What am I loving?

I can't say I love exams (creating, administering, grading, etc.). But since one of my guys had to take his a week early (this week), I'm done far more in advance than I, otherwise, would have been. So I'm loving that. And while exams may not be the most fun ever, I love seeing my students studying for exams and proving to me (and others who may end up seeing these finished exams) just how much they've learned throughout the course of this school year.

What have I been up to?

I've been hanging out at Drama Team practices the past few weeks and I got to help out at this past weekend's big end of the school year performance, all since I'll be leading the Drama Team next year. I've so enjoyed learning from the current leader. For 9 years, she's done such an incredible job leading her team of super talented high school students.

What am I dreading? 

Nothing at the moment... And do you want to hear something fun? Normally at this time of year, I'm dreading the soon-to-be-said goodbyes to students leaving me at the end of the year. But for the first time in probably my entire teaching career, I have literally no students leaving (our school) at the end of the school year. So normally I would be sad and emotional and ready to cry, thinking of saying those dreaded goodbyes. But I don't have to do that. So I'm over the moon! :)

What am I working on?

I'm staying a little over a week longer than I usually do. And I'm doing that because I plan to use that time working on Kids Club lesson prep while I have a big, chunk of time with far less interruptions than normal. My goal is to do enough of this ahead of time, that I can so I can hopefully free up a good chunk of my time normally spent sitting at a computer at the beginning of the school year. Wish me luck :)

What am I excited about?

Summer Break and multiple days with no alarm clock :)

Image result for teachers excited for summer break meme

What am I watching?

I watched the last ever episode of Big Bang Theory a couple weeks ago. And I must say - I'm going to miss watching this show each week...

Image result for Goodbye Big Bang Theory

What am I reading?

Yesterday, I posted my latest reading recap. If you missed it, you can read it HERE. And then past that, I read an article about Home Assignments last month, which lead me to writing THIS post of my own on that subject last week, which you can find HERE. And I also wrote THIS post about the need for energy at the end of the school year, after reading THIS incredible letter written by a future teacher.
Also, did you catch my students' "The Best Part of Me" project recap, which shared about a fun project I did on that same titled book?  If not, you can read it HERE.

What am I listening to?

I'm trying to do better about listening to God and learning the lessons He has for me. Sometimes, I just have to be reminded by God to shut up and let Him talk. I just need to be still and listen. Anyone else? Or is it just me?

What am I wearing?

Our school shirts came in earlier this month.

What am I doing this weekend?

I'm going to finish sorting through things in my apartment, packing away stuff I don't want to get dusty when my apartment is closed up all summer. Then I have some other things planned, too. We'll see how everything pans out.

What am I looking forward to next month?

A lot... 

While still in Senegal, I am looking forward to the last few days with my students and to having some uninterrupted work time on my computer, and to some fun times with friends, as well.

Then, once I'm in the U.S., I am looking forward to a Summer Break that includes me seeing family, friends, and missions supporters, to speaking engagements at churches around Alabama, to trips to Chik-fil-a and fountain drink Dr. Peppers loaded with ice that's actually safe to enjoy, and so much more.

What else is new?

I know my counts for my class next year now. So as of now, I know how many students I'll have in August. It may change. But for now, throughout my day, I'll be teaching 8 students, ranging from grade 3 to grade 11, coming from 5 different countries and 4 different continents. Such a cool thing!

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

1 comment:

  1. I am going to miss the Big Bang Theory too! It was such a fun show.
