Saturday, April 6, 2013

The 56th Dear ____ Post

Dear Senegal, Your Independence Day was this past Thursday. I celebrated by taking the day off, staying home, watching a movie or two, reading a book, and doing absolutely nothing productive :)

Dear Staying Home for a Few Days, You're not as enjoyable as I thought you'd be. Don't get me wrong. I love being able to sleep late and then hang out at home in my PJs all day, doing work from home. But, I think I'd started going a little stir crazy and was ready to get out...even if just to the school for a couple hours to work in my classroom :)

Dear Kraft Mac & Cheese, Oh my goodness... I forgot how incredibly delicious you were. Thanks for the tasty reminder.

Dear Cooking Gas, I wish there was a way to know in advance when you're about to run out. It's a little frustrating to be in the middle of cooking supper and have it go out. There's an invention for someone to make. Anyone up for it? :)

Dear Scheduling Services for this Summer, I'm in the middle of you right now. I'm not going to lie. You haven't been easy. But I am so grateful for the contacts I've made, the yes's I've received, the services I've been able to schedule. Now if I could just schedule a few more...

Dear Anna Karenina (the book), I'm thinking about reading you. I'm trying to decide if I want to tackle you, though. You are pretty long...

Dear James (the book of the Bible), Starting this week, I'll be involved in a Beth Moore Bible study on you with some ladies in our community. I'm so looking forward to it!

Dear Tonight's Plans, You didn't work out like I'd hoped. I'd been invited to a wedding, but had to turn it down due to dinner plans I'd already made. Then my dinner invite called and asked for a rain check. So I ended up being stuck at home. But that wasn't all bad. I got to make myself a yummy dinner (via the microwave), watch a fun movie (via my laptop), and have a long chat with my mom and 2 different friends (via Skype and Facebook). Thanks technology. You made my night pretty awesome :)

Dear 1st Graders, I've enjoyed my Spring Break, having time off from work, and being able to sleep late, but I've definitely missed you. You 8 make my life so much more fun. I'm excited for school to be starting back on Monday :)

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