Thursday, December 19, 2013

The 90th Dear ______ Post

Dear "Happy Birthday to Jesus," You were sang during my Elementary Christmas party earlier this week. It was the sweetest thing... I had a Christmas tree shaped cake and the girls were oohing and aahing over it. Then one cutie asked, "Miss Nichols, you no have candles?" When I asked why we'd need candles, she said, "But Miss Nichols, Christmas is Jesus birthday." Thankfully I did have birthday candles in my desk. So sing to Jesus, we did. I loved it!

Dear Hangman, Who would've ever thought you'd be such a popular, often-requested game of my students (of all ages)?! They love you! And you're a good game to play in learning English. So Teacher loves you too :)

Dear Christmas Music, I love listening to you. Thanks for brightening my day the minute you come on!

Dear Headband with Reindeer Antlers Attached, I wore you to school on Tuesday. The kids loved you! You were a wise investment to make. I'm glad I could make the kids happy by embarrassing myself. Ha! :)

Dear Smile, I've had you on my face since finding out last week I was going to be going home for Christmas. And you haven't left since. Yay for an awesome, awesome reason to smile :)

Dear Cookies with Kindergarteners, You're what I helped make earlier this morning. Our Kindergarten teacher is my friend and when a friend asks you to help do something fun like this, you definitely agree. I knew this would be the highlight of my day for sure. This class has some of the cutest, funniest, most adorable kids ever!

Dear Blessing, You're what I'd consider my friendship with the teacher I just mentioned. I'm so thankful for her friendship!

Dear This Semester, It's hard to believe you're over. It seems like just yesterday we were starting school. You've held all sorts of ups and downs - mostly ups, though. You ushered in a new position for me as an ESL teacher. It was so hard at first. I always felt unsure of myself, questioning my ability as a teacher, feeling like a brand new teacher starting out. But you know... Over time, it grew on me. Now I love it. Do I miss teaching Elementary only? Yes. But do I want to stop teaching ESL? Not really. Thanks for being such a good 4 months. Here's hoping your buddy known as Next Semester is an even better one :)

Dear Christmas Movies, I've watched quite a few of you over the past 18 days. Thanks for being such a fun way to unwind at the end of the day and thanks, too, for helping to usher in the Christmas spirit. Plus, I have a couple more of you downloaded on my computer to watch on the plane tomorrow. I so love Christmas movies!!

Dear A&E, You have caused a big ol' stink in America right now by dismissing Phil from Duck Dynasty. My complaint is that people can complain, judge, and criticize Christians and people that stand for the Bible all day long and it's okay. But the minute a Christian stands up for the TRUTH and what is right and quotes the Bible, he's in trouble. That seems like a bit of a double standard. Doesn't it?

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