Friday, April 13, 2018

Dear Me in the Past

Happy Friday Y'all

Today I'm joining Kristin for her monthly Little Letters link-up.

The Little Letter Link Up |

And I'm also, once again, writing as part of the #PSLoveMe Challenge, a fun photo/writing challenge, which I'm using to help me stop being so critical of myself, and instead focus on loving, embracing, and learning who I truly am...

A beautiful creation of God.

Typically one would take a photo a day and share that on social media. But I'm changing it up a bit and instead, I'm  sharing one or two (or maybe sometimes more than that) of the prompts at a time on here.

And today I'm sharing Prompt #5 


Prompt 5 - Write a letter to PAST you.

Dear Baby/Toddler Me, 

Image may contain: 2 people, baby
I'm the one on the right about to eat her party hat :)
Oh dear sweet self... Your life is pretty cushy at the moment. You don't realize it. But it is. This is the only time in your life when you'll be surrounded by all your family. Your dad is a pastor. A pretty good one, at that. Anywho - Once you hit a few years old, you start moving around a lot and your life will forever be changed...

Dear 13 Year Old Me,

Image result for dear middle school me

You're at that weird, awkward stage right now. Don't worry. You're not alone. I assure you. I know you're sad. You had to just start your 9th school this year. And you don't really have any good friends at your new school, nor at church. It's tough. I know. But as a result of your lack of friends, you spend a lot more time with your family, growing closer and closer than ever before...

Dear High School Me,

I'm on the bottom row, 2nd from the right.

I'd like to say the awkward stage ended in middle school. But alas, it lasted on into high school a bit. I know there are some tough parts about high school. But try to focus more on the good parts. You'll realize in your 10th grade year that Colorguard is awesome! You'll make good friends. And you'll make lasting memories. 

Dear Beginning Mission Trips Me,

This is me, while on a short term mission trip to South Africa in 2005.

I know you decided to go because God placed missions on your heart. But what you don't realize, is that while in South Africa in 2005, you'll hear directly from God that you will be back in Africa, full-time, one day. So, go on those trips. And embrace the goodness of God so fully. You'll be forever changed on these trips.

Dear College Graduate Me,

at UM's Graduation, December 2008 with my mom and dad

You may not have been a 4.0 student. But you worked your bum off. Go girl! I know there were times that between work and school and church activities, you didn't think you'd make it to get it all done. But you did. Be confident in your abilities. Stop selling yourself short. That diploma you just received will take you far in life - both figuratively and literally...

Dear Newly Appointed AGWM Missionary Associate Me,

my first missions prayer card
You just recently moved across the ocean. You left sweet home Alabama, your family, your church, and all things "comfort" and "home" behind, in pursuit of the calling God placed on your life. I wish I could say it will always be a bed of roses. But that's definitely not the case. But know that you're doing what God's called you to do. You're a Missionary Teacher. And you'll meet and teach some of the most amazing kids eve, as a result of this incredible calling. So hold your head up. Keep your eye on the prize. And keep doing what you're doing.

Dear Just Became an Aunt Me,

...the day I met my oldest niece. She was 4 months old and absolutely perfect!

You just started one of your most joyful roles in life. And before you know it, the cutie in the picture above will be joined by a super cute younger sister. You'll miss a lot of their little lives, since you live overseas. But that'll make the times you are together all that much more precious. Spend as much time as you can with these girls. They grow fast!

Dear Working in Selma Me,

I know you're nervous going into your first day of work in Selma. You don't know anyone you're working with. You're nervous that you won't do a good job. You're worried no one will like you. All the usuals... But stop worrying. You quickly fall in love with your school, that city, your co-workers, and your students. And when the time comes for you to leave there and head back to Senegal, you realize that they all stole a huge chunk of your heart. You also realize that the time there helped to prepare you for the position you'll soon have at Dakar Academy. So God clearly knew what He was doing in sending you there for that time.

Dear April 19, 2015 Me,

You've just experienced the most painful experience of your life thus far. Oh my word, losing Daddy was so incredibly painful. I know you are currently feeling as if your heart has been ripped from your chest. You don't see how you'll ever get past the intense pain and grief you're feeling. But I promise... It will eventually lessen up. I won't say it'll ever fully go away, because it won't. But I promise it won't always hurt quite so badly. It'll be like waves. But one thing you should always remember is that man in that picture loved you so much and was so incredibly proud of you. So don't give up. Keep going and make him even prouder.

Dear Beginning of 2017-2018 School Year Me,

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Oh girl... It took a lot of work, meetings, tears, and even a little sweat at times to get to where you are. God placed a dream on your heart to reach a group of kids who needed a class. This school year is one that will go down in the history books for you. Oh my word, is God going to work in the lives of those kids in your care, in your own life, and in the lives of so many others, as a result of this class. Oh and FYI, I know you're an adrenaline high, as it's the beginning of the school year. But just as a heads up... This school year will be hard. Physically, emotionally hard. You'll come home exhausted the majority of the time. You'll continue to have to fight to keep this class going. And you'll even start to doubt your abilities to do it all. But thankfully, you have amazing students and parents, amazing friends and co-workers, and some administration who truly support your vision and calling for these kids. Even when it gets tough, cling to those who support you. And more than that, cling to the Lord, the one who started this class. He'll help you.

P.S. Tomorrow I'll be writing a letter to FUTURE me. 

Come back and check it out.


Want to play along?

Check out the Prompts below.


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