Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What's Up April

Happy Wednesday Everybody!

Today I'm joining  MelShay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 


Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating?

Nothing terribly exciting at the moment...

But here's a shot of a tasty sandwich I made the other day, with a friend's cute pups staring at me (more likely, it was the sandwich) while I ate :)

What am I reminiscing about? 

This past week marked 3 years since my dad passed away. So in writing a post about that fact, I did quite a bit of reminiscing about my dad. Ah, I so miss that man! If you missed that post, you can read it HERE.

What am I loving?

These Mr. Potato Head writing pieces my crew did this week. One of my guys saw Mr. Potato Head hanging out on my desk, waiting 'til I used it in Kids Club this week. So he asked if we could play with it. Of course I let them. Then I chose to make it a teachable moment, since we're learning how to be more descriptive in our writings this week anyway. So yay for a fun activity they enjoyed!

What have I been up to?

I've been contacting pastors, slowly trying to fill my calendar for the summer, in hopes of sharing my heart/passion for this incredible ministry God's allowed me to be a part of. And here's where I insert a shameless plug... If you, your church, your small group, your kids' program, your family, or even just you, yourself, would like to have me come and share about the work God's doing here in Senegal, and beyond, send me an email at and we'll set something up.

Image result for calendar clip art days flying by

What am I dreading praying for?

I'm going back to erasing the "dreading" part and replacing it with "praying for" instead. At the moment, I have a few main things I'm praying for...

1) I'm praying for my summer plans to fall into place. I need to schedule a few more services. I need to connect with more of my supporters. And I need to raise a bit more funds for missions support.

2) I'm praying for peace in my heart. I've been dealing with a lot of worrying about an issue and can't seem to stop. I need peace over this. Because it's definitely not doing my mind and heart any good by worrying over it. After all, when does worrying about things out of my control ever help anything? It doesn't.

3) I'm praying for a good end to the school year. We've had such a good year so far. I want these last few weeks to go just as well. I have lots of fun activities and projects planned for my crew, to help them finish learning all I want/need them to learn this school year. So my prayer is that with all of that, we'll do our best and we'll finish strong. And all the while, we'll have a smile on our face.

What am I working on?

All the last minute prep for Elementary Camp... Having to do it around my normal teaching schedule is a bit tricky and adding even more to my To Do List than normal. But it's so worth it! I can't wait to see their faces when they hear all the fun in store for them on Friday! I know it's going to be a blast! :)

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Yes, that's right. I need 90 notebooks, pencils, and TOP SECRET envelopes for a surprise gift :)

What am I excited about?

A fun idea I had for this summer...

I'm going to be doing a Taste of Senegal night this summer at a few different churches, where I'll make a Senegalese dish or two to share with the congregation, while I chat with them about life in Senegal and about the ministry I get to be a part of. I'm super excited to see how it turns out! P.S. If this is something your church, small group, or even your family, would like me to come and do, send me an email at and we'll make it happen.

Image result for bowl of cheb yap senegal

What am I watching?

I finally got caught up with Fuller House this past week.

Image result for Fuller House

What am I reading?

I got quite a bit read this past weekend, since I embraced the art of relaxing, knowing this current week was going to be one of the busier weeks of the school year for me. I read 3 books: 1) The Elegance of the Hedgehog 2) The Family Romanov and 3) Still Life with Bread Crumbs 3)  Well, actually I'm still reading the last one. 

What am I listening to?

I'm still listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat. 

Image result for The Greatest Showman soundtrack cover

What am I wearing?

I've been wearing my denim jacket a lot lately. It's nice that it's actually been cool enough to wear it without having a heat stroke, too. :)

Ignore the fact that it's the end of April and I STILL haven't fixed this month's calendar. ;)

What am I doing this weekend?

Friday is going to be a super long day since I'm leading Elementary Camp from 3:15 to 8:30 (or whenever the last kid goes home). So I'm thinking I'll crash on Friday night and wake up some time on Sunday from exhaustion. Ha! :)

What am I looking forward to next month?

I'm looking forward to the end of the school year.

Well, technically the last day of school is June 1st. But that's close enough. Right? I definitely do love my students and I'll definitely miss them this summer. But boy, oh boy, am I ready for my Summer Vacation :)

What else is new?

My class through Southeastern next week.The inner nerd in me is jumping up and down, super excited, over being a student in me :)Related image

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm stopping by from the link up. :) I just finished listening to a wonderful sermon series on worry/anxiety that you may find really helpful in dealing with worry. In my "What's Up Wednesday" post I linked the free app you can find and listen to it through. Here's a direct link to where you can find it online as well: ... I highly recommend checking that out and pray you'll find it as helpful as I have! :)

    Hooray for the school year wrapping up! Wishing you a wonderful last month of teaching before you welcome summer break!

    - Brenda //
