Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Word (or more) About Me

Did you catch my Coffee Date post the other day? 

If not, click here.

It's all about the #PSLoveMe Challenge, a fun photo/writing challenge, which Im using to help me stop being so critical of myself, and instead focus on loving, embracing, and learning who I truly am - a beautiful creation of God.

Typically one would take a photo a day and share that on social media.

But I'm changing it up a bit.

I'll be sharing one or two (or maybe more) of the prompts at a time on here.

And today I'm sharing Prompt #3


Prompt 3 - Share a word that describes YOU. 

Choosing one word was too hard. 

So instead, I am sharing a little a few more than that. 

Who am I?

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup and outdoor


First, and foremost, I'm a Christian. I'm a child of God. I believe in Jesus Christ and the truth and goodness of Him. I believe He died on the cross and rose again on the third day, all for you and me. I'm not perfect by any means. But I strive to live my life as a vessel for the love of Jesus to shine through. 


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling 

One of my greatest blessings in life is being known as the daughter of Ron and Debra. I couldn't have hand-picked a better set of parents. They raised me in church, with a love for the Lord, and with a desire to serve others. I am who I am today because of them. I was definitely a Daddy's Girl, so losing my Dad almost 3 years ago is definitely the most difficult thing I've ever experienced. My mom is my best friend and after God, Himself, is my biggest advice giver and source of encouragement and support. When I'm back in the States, she and I are rarely apart and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, sunglasses, selfie, tree, outdoor, closeup and nature Image may contain: 2 people

Growing up, I was pretty close with my brother. Moving around a lot does that to you. It's like a ready made friend. But I don't think I ever truly appreciated him until I started college and we weren't riding to school together every morning/afternoon. Oh my, did I miss him then. When he got married, I was blessed with a fabulous sister-in-law. 

I'm an AUNT.

In 2012, I became an aunt. Eventually, my oldest niece gave me the name Zizzie. And I realized that being an aunt was one of the biggest blessings in my life. The love I feel for my two nieces is like no other. They bring so much joy to my life! And one of the hardest parts of my job as a missionary is being so far away from them, missing out on the majority of their lives - birthdays, special events, school things, etc. But I'm so grateful for technology and the way it closes the gap of distance just a bit :)


Image may contain: one or more people and text

I'm a Missionary Associate with the Assemblies of God, serving in Senegal, West Africa. It's so humbling to know I'm in the place where God called me to go, doing the work He called me to do. My mission field is a classroom where I'm able to share more than the usual subjects and lessons. I'm also able to share about the love and truth of Jesus. It's such a blessing to be here doing this work!


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling Image may contain: 5 people, including Elisabeth Nichols, people smiling, people sitting
 Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing  Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

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For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a teacher. I never wavered from that dream. For the past 9 years, I've taught a variety of grades and subjects. And each and every year, "my" kids stole little bits of my heart. Currently, I teach Special Education and have a class for students with moderate to severe special needs - the only one of its kind in our country, and possibly throughout all of West Africa. It took a lot to get to this point, but it was so very worth it. Being the teacher of these kids is definitely a ginormous blessing for me!


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Friendship is something I don't take lightly. Moving around so much left me hesitant to put down roots, to invest in serious friendships. It felt like I was always having to leave, just when I made a new, good friend. But as I've gotten older, I've come to realize just how awesome these friendships that God's blessed me with are. And the only reason I didn't include pictures of my friends and me below is because I didn't want to accidentally leave anyone out :)


Image may contain: pool, tree, sky and outdoor

I love reading. I do a lot of reading as part of my job as a teacher. So I don't get as much time to do so, for fun. But when I do, I can't get enough. The only issue I run into is that I tend to start a book and not want to stop it. So I can easily kill multiple hours, zoned out, reading a book. Thus, the reason I wait 'til the weekend or a school holiday to read much at this point in my life :)


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I started this blog as a way to keep up with family, friends, and missions supporters, since I was about to move to Senegal. Since then, it's been that, and more. I've always enjoyed writing. And I've been so thankful to have my blog as a creative outlet to use in expressing myself more freely. 

And at this point, I'll say thank you to all of my readers. Thanks for sharing in this journey I call life. Knowing you're reading, and sometimes commenting too... Well, you definitely know how to make a girl feel good about herself.


Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

I love Senegal. It's the country God placed on my heart all those years ago and is the country where I still live and work. But I am still proud to be an American. After having lived overseas for many years, I can now see more clearly just how free we are as Americans. What a gift that is!

And as for my ties to the South and my sweet home Alabama... Well, those are just added bonuses. I know that most people, including the Press, seem to focus more on the bad we're known for. And while I do agree that is bad, I think it's important to note that this is not all my South and my Alabama are known for. 

We are made up of incredibly beautiful people surrounded by incredibly beautiful landscapes. We're full of hospitality and would love to have you join in and sit for a spell on the front porch, while chatting the day away with a glass of ice cold sweet tea in our hand. We're good people with ginormous hearts. We're Southerners. And me? I'm a proud Southerner, Alabamian, and American :)


And I'm so much more. I'm a COUSIN and a NIECE and a granddaughter. I'm a STUDENT. I'm a LEADER. I'm a LIFELONG LEARNER. I'm a CO-WORKER. I'm a DAYDREAMER. I'm a TRAVELER. And I'm even a DR PEPPER and REESE's LOVER even if I can't get them as much as I'd like here in Dakar :)

Image may contain: 5 people, including Elisabeth Nichols, people smiling, people sitting

And I'm sure I could go on and on...


Want to play along?

Check out the Prompts below.


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