Thursday, April 12, 2018

Who loves me

Happy Thursday Y'all

I'm, once again, writing as part of the #PSLoveMe Challenge, a fun photo/writing challenge, which I'm using to help me stop being so critical of myself, and instead focus on loving, embracing, and learning who I truly am...

A beautiful creation of God.

Typically one would take a photo a day and share that on social media. But I'm changing it up a bit and instead, I'm  sharing one or two (or maybe sometimes more than that) of the prompts at a time on here.

And today I'm sharing Prompt #4


Prompt 4 - Share who loves you.

I know people love me.

But it just feels semi-awkward to list all of those people :)

So, I was originally planning to just skip this prompt. 

But then, I was scrolling through Facebook saw the image below. 

Image result for how cool is it that the same god that created mountains and oceans

They say You are your own worst critic

This has always been true for me.

I've always been incredibly critical of myself.

And it was as I was criticizing the way I looked in an outfit the other day, that the Lord reminded me of the image I shared above...

Why are you so critical of my creation? 

I made you.

I, in my infinite wisdom, grace, and love, CHOSE to make YOU.




So, I'm trying to improve in this.

I realize there are things about myself I could (and need to) change.

But y'all...

I've got to stop being so critical of me.


My God loves me.

He loves me so much, that He created me to live on this earth.

He created the beauty of the mountains and oceans and galaxies...

And He also created me.


I'm a creation of the Master Creator.

And that is a beautiful feeling.

So to answer the prompt for today's #PSLoveMe Challenge...

Who loves me?


God loves me.


Want to play along?

Check out the Prompts below.


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