Thursday, February 27, 2014

My One Thousand Gifts #'s 97 - 105

Each week, I'm highlighting new items I've added to my list of one thousand gifts. These aren't always big things. In fact, sometimes it's the littlest things that stick out the most. 

This week, I've added 9 new things...

#97 - understanding a full service in French (...well, almost all of it)

It's always nice when that part of my brain decides to actually cooperate :) 

#98 - Disney movies

Sometimes you need to just unwind and watch a kid movie, you know... :)

#99 - spontaneous dinner with friends

Friends? Good. Dinner? Good. Spur of the moment plans to go to dinner with said friends? Even better. I'm thankful for chances to do this.

#100 - staff devotions

We have staff devotions/prayer every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before school. I'm so thankful for these times of sharing the Word and prayer with each other. What a blessing these times are!

#101 - seeing the sunrise

One perk of being an early riser is that I get to see the sunrise almost every single morning. I'm thankful for these daily gifts of beauty God places in my life :)

#102 - a website full of discussion topic ideas for ESL classes

I found a website that has hundreds (literally) of discussion topic ideas. What a help this is! So we're now using these in my middle and high school classes by incorporating more conversational English time in our daily lessons. I love it!

#103 - chats with my students

I lead Kids Club every Wednesday and love it! One of my favorite parts happens after Kids Club is over, though. That's when I get the chance to sit with the students (...the ones that haven't been picked up yet) and chat with them. We have such amazing kids at my school. I'm definitely going to miss those chats!

#104 - a reason to be homesick

I know this sounds like a weird thing to be thankful for, but hear me out. Think about it. If you're feeling homesick, you're missing home. I'm thankful that I have a home and family to be homesick, missing. I'm thankful for the love, encouragement, and constant support they give. I'm thankful for a place to call home. I'm thankful for a state to be proud of. I'm thankful for a country that offers freedom and awesomeness. I'm thankful for all of those reasons and many more. That's why I'm thankful for a reason to be homesick.

#105 - a warm place to live

We're still in the middle of cool season here in Dakar, with most mornings and nights being quite chilly. So I've been very thankful for my warm apartment here lately!

And in case you want a recap of the other things on my list, you can find them below...

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