Thursday, January 23, 2014

My One Thousand Gifts #'s 65 - 69

Each week, I'm highlighting new items I've added to my list of one thousand gifts. These aren't always big things. In fact, sometimes it's the littlest things that stick out the most. 

This week, I've added 5 new things...

#65 - God's timing

Isn't His timing amazing?! :) 

#66 - friends that send you home with leftovers

...because it's not enough to invite you over to hang out and eat dinner with them. They have to go even further and send you home with lunch for the next day. I'm a blessed girl. That's for sure :)

#67 - seeing kids worshipping God

This is a definite perk of my job. 

#68 - apple & peanut butter

In the words of Rachael Ray... Yum-O :)

#69 - the song, "Give Me Faith"

This, quite possibly, may be my new most favorite song. Thanks Jesus for sending this song my way this week. I love it!

And in case you want a recap of the other things on my list, you can find them below...

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