Sunday, May 11, 2014

The 108th Dear ____ Post

Dear Mother's Day, You're today. This makes the 5th Mother's Day I've missed being able to spend with my Mama. I'm looking forward to having the chance to change that next year :) Happy Mother's Day Mama! I love you!

Dear Busy, You're how I'd describe this past week. Teaching (and all the usual busy-ness that entails), meetings, after school duties, Kids Club, dinners, and more. Wow!

Dear Sub Plans, I hate writing you! It's so much easier just be at school. I guess it's because I always leave such super detailed plans, so it takes me forever to write you. Then, once I'm finished I'm constantly thinking I accidentally left something out. Ugh...

And speaking of lesson plans...

Dear Cutest Lesson Plan Book Idea Ever, I found you the other day. It calls for a spiral bound notebook, post-its, and a writing utensil. And the best part? You can move your post-its around for the next year if you're like most teachers and reuse certain lessons year after year. *Any teachers reading this and want to know where I found this awesomeness? It was here.

Dear Weekend with No Internet, You're what I had this weekend. And I must say... I really enjoyed you :)

Dear Reading for Fun (as in, not for work), I did quite a bit of you this weekend. I finished 2 books and am about half way finished with another. I guess being away from internet has its benefits, huh? :)

Dear Sunset Over the Ocean, What a perfect example of God's artistry! You were so beautiful to see the last few nights.

Dear Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone, You were the topic of two blog posts I wrote this week. One was on my own, personal, blog (here). And the other was on The Skybridge Blog (here).

Dear 4 Weeks, You're how much time is left 'til I fly out of here. 

And speaking of that short amount of time...

Dear Bitter (as in the bitter part of my upcoming bittersweet departure), You have hit me with a vengeance. Wow! I knew it'd happen eventually, but wow was it hard! I'm so excited about being able to do what God's called me to do! I'm so excited about heading back to a time in the States and being able to be with my family and being able to help my parents. But it's still sad leaving this place. I've worked here for 5 years. It's become like home. It's like a family. And man is it sad to leave...

Dear Sweet (as in the sweet part of my upcoming bittersweet departure), I'm making myself focus more on you and less of the other. So I thought I'd list some of the sweet things, like... 1) starting a new ministry 2) seeing my family again 3) meeting my new niece 4) living in America again 5) visiting churches, friends, and supporters ... I could keep going. The "sweet" does definitely outweigh the "bitter." That's for sure.

Dear God, Thanks for being with me every step of the way. Thanks for loving me and taking control of my life, even when I get all crazy and worry and stress like I know I shouldn't. Thanks for being the rock I can lean on. You're pretty awesome. Did you know that?! :)

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