Thursday, May 8, 2014

My One Thousand Gifts #'s 175 - 182

Each week, I'm highlighting new items I've added to my list of one thousand gifts. These aren't always big things. In fact, sometimes it's the littlest things that stick out the most. 

This week, I've added 8 new things...

#175 - a 3 day weekend

We had a 3 day weekend this past weekend. It was so nice to be able to have that extra day to sleep late, do some packing, and work on some projects at home I've been wanting to work on for a while now.

#176 - free Kindle books

I have the Kindle app on my ipod. And thanks to some free books, I have quite a few ready to be read this coming weekend while I'm at the beach with some friends. New books are nice and new ones that happen to be free are even nicer!

#177 - 2 cents a minute phone calls

I'm thankful that Skype only charges me 2 cents a minute for phone calls. Lately, I've been calling more often than usual to check on things with my parents, so knowing that calls only cost a tiny, tiny amount makes me a happy girl :)

#178 - an Africa ring 

I bought this ring this past Friday and I absolutely positively love it! And do you want to know what else I love? ...that I was able to ask for it and explain what I wanted and agree on a price ALL in French. That's a HUGE deal people :)

#179 - a weekend without Internet 

I'm heading out for the weekend with some friends. And the only technology I plan on using is my ipad to read some new (free!) books I just downloaded. The internet is great and all. But sometimes it's nice to unplug a little.

#180 - an extra large parachute

...which provided a super fun game for my kiddos in Kids Club yesterday! :)

#181 - cheddar cheese

The first couple years I lived in Dakar this cheesy goodness was nonexistent. Then a few years ago, it miraculously started appearing. Now, we can almost always get it (at only one store). And while it's something I can only splurge on occasionally (because it costs quite a bit compared to other cheeses), it is a nice treat every now and then.

#182 - ABC stories written by students

One of my elementary classes have been writing their very own ABC books. We finally got everything typed today and they'll start illustrating them tomorrow. For kids, who at the beginning of the year, had trouble even identifying certain letters in the alphabet, to now be writing a story/dictionary, putting words in ABC order AND writing in complete sentences... This is huge! So these simple little stories, and more importantly, what they represent, are definitely something I'm thankful for this week!

And in case you want a recap of the other things on my list, you can find them below...

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