Monday, March 11, 2019

March 2019's Coffee Date

Happy Monday Everybody

Today, I'm sharing my monthly Coffee Date post.

The Coffee Date series was started by Erin from Erin Salmon Writes, as a fun blogging exercise each month. And while, Erin doesn't actually host the Coffee Date link-ups anymore, I still think it is fun to share my own Coffee Date post each month. The premise of these Coffee Date posts was, and it still is for me, to pretend that I am on a coffee date with you, my reader, as a friend, and we are chatting about whatever is on our minds at the moment.

So with that said...

Grab a cup of coffee (or whatever) and let's settle in for a chat.

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If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that some friends and I went out for dinner the other night. We ended up going to a local Korean restaurant. Yep, you read that right. Korean food in West Africa. And y'all... This place is quite possibly my most favorite in all of Dakar. I'm serious. It's that good. I had my usual. And as always, it was absolutely 100% delicious.

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If someone asked what my last meal would be, I think this might be it.

I'd also show you this bowl of little cooked fish who joined our "appetizer" portion of the meal. I definitely do not feel the same about them as I do the dish above ;)

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If we were on a coffee date, I'd also tell you about my new class. It's on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. And even though I'm just now starting Week 2, I must say... I think I'm really going to enjoy this class. 

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I'd probably also tell you that a lot of people ask me why I continue taking classes when I could be done. There are multiple reasons for this. The last 3 were taken to help me renew my Alabama Teaching Certificate. And my thoughts are... If I have the money to take the classes, why not? Then I could continue to better myself as a teacher, so I could provide a better level of understanding, care, and education for the students God has sent me (or will send in the future).

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you about all the fun things I have planned for this week. I'd tell you about digging for fossil (yes, fossil with no "s" at the end), about using chocolate sauce in an object lesson for Kids Club, about a new creative Bible project in class, and about an upcoming Service Day for our school.

If we were on a coffee date, I'd probably tell you about how much I'm enjoying writing. And I'd probably share that while I may never actually publish a book, that's okay with me. I'm just honestly enjoying having this therapeutic/creative outlet for myself.

I'd probably also show you the clipboard/folio above, telling you that I bought it at Wal-mart this past summer. I'd probably tell you how the design caught my eye, but what made me finally purchase it was seeing the price drop significantly from one visit to the next, thanks to a big sale that happened.

If we were on a coffee date, I'd share this recipe with you, and tell you that I threw the chicken, salsa, and beans in the crockpot this morning before school. That way it could cook on low all day. Then when I get home this afternoon, I'll throw in the cream cheese and I'll also cook a pot of white rice to serve alongside the chicken dish. Fingers crossed it turns out like I hope :)

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you that I'm currently reading from the book of Isaiah and I'm really enjoying it. I'd probably also show you this picture, as a reminder from Isaiah, to recount the steadfast works of the Lord. I love how every time I open my Bible, I learn something new. It really is the best book!

I'd probably also share a few prayer requests with you. I have a really long To Do List to work through before leaving for our AG conference/retreat in a few weeks, including 4 days of sub plans (to which all my fellow teachers echo my statement of Ughhhh). I also am praying about some decisions I need to make at school. I'm praying about some meetings I have coming up (including 3 the week before I leave for the conference). I'm praying about our conference. And I'm praying about my Spring Break plans, of which I'll share more about later on. On top of that, I'm also praying for some family members and some friends of mine who have loved ones who are super sick. So yeah... There's a lot to pray about. So if we were on a coffee date, I'd definitely be sharing those with you.

What about you?

If we were on a coffee date, what would YOU share with me?

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