Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday's Letters

Happy Thursday Y'all

The Little Letter Link Up |

Today, I am joining Kristin for her monthly Little Letters link-up, where we write "letters," as a way of sharing a bit of our lives at the moment.  

And today, it's all centered around one main topic. 
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Dear Writing, I've always been a fan of you. I loved you in my English classes in high school and college. In fact, any course's assignments that were mostly writing essays/papers are the ones in which I excelled.

Dear Journals, I love the thought of you. I've started a dozen plus of you over the years. I always start off great, writing in you ever day. Then at some point, I end up fizzling out. 

Dear Prayer Journal, Writing in you has actually stuck. At the beginning of the year, when I started, I told myself it was okay to not write in you every single day. I write in you similar to a normal journal style format. But I also write my prayers on the day I'm writing and I also write answers to prayer as they happen as well. I really am enjoying you being a part of my life at the moment.

Dear New Pens, There's just something about you that makes the writing process so much more enjoyable. Although, a good mechanical pencil is nice too. Just sayin' :)

Dear Writing a Book, You have always been a dream of mine. I've had different ideas for topics/titles over the years. So that part has changed. But the dream of simply writing one has never wavered. And I didn't tell many people about this. It's something I've just kept bottled up inside for so long. But recently, I've said a bit here or there, if for no other reason than accountability and lighting a fire under my feet, so to speak. That way I'd actually start doing something to accomplish this dream of mine. So you're starting. You're finally starting.

Dear Topic/Title of Book, I may have said publicly (on here, at least) that I'm finally starting to write that book I've been dreaming of. But you're going to still stay a secret.

Dear Fear, I was talking about you with a friend not long ago. When it comes to writing on my blog, I often feel you creeping in my heart and mind. I fear that people will not like what I write. I fear that people will judge me for having (normal, human) thoughts and not being the "perfect" woman, Christian, teacher, missionary, whatever... I told her how you, Fear, seem to always be in the back of my mind. But as I wrote on here yesterday, I'm trying to do a better job at giving control of my life to God. And that control includes letting go of all of my fears too.

Dear God, Thanks for blessing me with a love for writing. Thanks for making that such an enjoyable experience for me. Thanks for giving me outlets to express myself through writing. And simply put... Thanks for giving me the brain, hands, etc. to actually write. What a gift this is!

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