Monday, February 4, 2013

15 Days of Senegal -- Days 3 and 4

Two fellow Dakarois, (Kari and Jenn) issued a challenge for the rest of us. It was a photo challenge, in which we would take at least one picture of life in Senegal every day for 15 days in February. Each day we would be given a prompt to follow in taking our pictures. 

Day 3's prompt was "Sweet or Savory." For today's prompt, I posted 4 pictures...

This first picture is of some tasty fruits and veggies. I took this one the day I moved to Dakar (July 30, 2009). It was so hard for me to grasp that I would have to actually soak almost all of my fruits and veggies in bleach water before eating them. But now it's second nature. I don't think twice before I do it. In fact, when I'm in the States for a visit, I often have to stop myself before doing so there :)

This next photo is of the pastry counter in the "food court" of the mall here in Dakar. It's still so odd to me think that we have a Africa :) Anywho - A friend and I went to lunch there today and ended our meal with a sweet dessert from here. My friend had the chocolate mousse and I had a tasty chocolate gelato cone. YUM!

This next photo is of probably my most favorite snack food that can be purchased here in Dakar. It's a lovely mix of sweet and salty. It's different dried red fruits (strawberries, cranberries) and nuts (pecans, and hazelnuts). It's a bit of a splurge, but oh so worth it... :)

And now, I saved the best for last. This is a photo of the ABSOLUTE BEST ICE CREAM EVER! And yes, I did type that in all caps. Why? ...because of emphasis on how awesome it is :) This is Obama flavored ice cream. It is chocolate ice cream with a hard/crunchy chocolate sauce on top and has chocolate cookie crumbles inside. Oh my goodness... It is sweet heaven. I tell ya. ...absolutely amazing! :)

Day 4's prompt was "Growth." I posted two pictures for today's prompt. The first picture is one I took today of a plant outside the office at my school. This plant doesn't always have flowers on it, so it's always a pleasant surprise when there's new, beautifully colored growth on it.

I took the next photo a few years ago while visiting Saint Louis, a city about 4 hours north of Dakar. I remember thinking how sad the future was for this little guy once he grew up...

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