Friday, February 15, 2013

The 50th Dear ___ Post

Dear Weird Dream, I had you towards the beginning of the week. I woke up laughing at the absurdity of the dream. It felt so real, even though it was totally and completely ridiculous. You were a weird one dream. That's for sure.

Dear Valentine's Day, You were this past Thursday. We had a party in first grade, complete with a cute craft made with footprints, decorating cookies, making pizza, and sharing Valentine cards with each other. My kids loved you and I enjoyed seeing them so happy all day. Then, I got invited over to a fun family's house for dinner and Survivor-watching, so I guess you weren't so bad after all Valentine's Day...

Dear Clarity and Guidance, I have been praying for you for a while in regards to a decision I needed to make before a meeting on Thursday afternoon. At the starting time of the meeting, I still didn't feel peace about it. I still had no clue what to do. But halfway through it, I felt the most amazing sense of peace and calm and knew without a shadow of a doubt that God had given me the answer. ...such an amazing feeling!

Dear Softball Tournament, You're what's happening this weekend. I can't wait! I love (watching - definitely not playing) it :)

Dear 1 Week, You're how long it's been since I've had a coke. Yep, you heard me...1 whole week. That's 7 days people! Yes, I'm bragging on myself. And no, I'm not ashamed to do so. This is a big deal for me. Ha! :)

Dear Fabric, I went shopping for you yesterday afternoon. I forgot how picky I can be when it comes to buying you. I did feel a little bad for my friends that were with me, even though they said I wasn't that bad... :)

Dear New-ish Cafe' in Town, I tried you out for the first time yesterday and I must say... You were quite impressive. I'd visit you again :)

Dear Summer Plane Tickets, I'll be buying you this coming week. It'd be nice if you'd drop your price for me. You can do it. ...pretty please??

Dear Duck Dynasty Season 3, You start up soon! I'm excited! :)

And on a more serious note...

Dear God, I see results of you working in the lives of students (from both Christian and non-Christian homes) at my school. It's so exciting to see children and teenagers on fire for you. It's so exciting to hear little kids (and big kids too) talking about you and your awesome love for us. It makes my heart happy to know that the potential future leaders of many different countries are learning more and more about you, as a result of being students at our school. God, I must say... You totally rock!

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