Monday, October 28, 2013

It's Question Time Again

1. Do you have any nicknames? 

A few people call me E (only a few people are allowed to call me this...) or Liz (not a fan of this one. fine for others, but not me..) or Lizzie.

In high school, a few kids called me Lizard. Why? Elisabeth changed into Lizzie which changed into Lizard.

2. Name three things you can't live without.

Hmm... This is a little tough.

1. God
2. some sort of communication with those "back home" - internet, cell phone, snail mail, something...
3. my Bible (whether that be the paper copy or the electronic version...)

3. What has been the most difficult moment of your life?

Take your pick... Flying back home to say goodbye to my grandfather and then having my dad have a heart attack the day my grandfather passed away OR being in Africa, a zillion miles away, as my dad's having open heart surgery. 

4. What is the most recent compliment you have received and treasured? Why?
A parent of one of my students wrote me and thanked me for how I'm helping their child. It was a hard week. I wasn't sure I was doing that great of a job at that. But then I got that email. And it totally brightened my weekend :)

5. What has been your most favorite vacation and why?

That would have to be my trip to Orlando with my mom that I took this past summer. It was such a fun time to spend that week with my best friend. We got to enjoy a long, fun road trip. I got to introduce her to the awesomeness that is my ipod on shuffle. We got to explore a new city that neither of us had been to before. We got to experience the powerful services at the A/G General Council and feel the mighty move of the Holy Spirit. We got to celebrate my birthday at Disney's Animal Kingdom. And the best part... We got to do all of that together. ...such an awesome trip! 

6.  If you only had $20 to spend at Target, to which section would you go?

Clothes...or maybe flip flops...or jewelry...or maybe food (after all, I've been in Africa where we have no good/cheap American food options)

7. What is a dream that you hope will come true in your life?

being a wife and mother 

8. What are the top 3 things on your Christmas wish list? 

Well, if I were dreaming, #1 would definitely be an all-expenses paid plane ticket to see my family. But since that one's unlikely, I'd have to say, 1) iTunes gift card 2) Amazon gift card to buy all sorts of goodies for my classroom 3) new pictures of my niece since I just got some new picture frames (*hint, hint*)

9. Put your ipod on shuffle. List the first 3 songs that come on. Don't cheat.

#1 - "Marry You" by Bruno Mars
#2 - "Ain't No Party" by Alvin & the Chipmunks (oh yeah...I'm that cool.)
#3 - "How Many Kings" by Downhere 

10. Keep your ipod on shuffle. List the first line or two from each of the next 3 songs that come on. And again, don't cheat. See if anyone can guess what songs they are.

#1 - "Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing you believed in superstitions. Then maybe you'd see the signs."

#2 - "They say life is so much sweeter through the telephoto lens of fame. Around here you get just as much attention cheering at the high school football game."

#3 - "I am not skilled to understand what God has willed, what God has planned. I only know at his right hand, stands one who is my savior."

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