Sunday, October 6, 2013

The 79th Dear _____ Post

Dear Scared but at Peace, Is it possible to feel you? I think that's how I'm feeling right now about my dad's upcoming surgery. A part of me is, indeed, scared. But at the same time, I feel a "strange" sense of peace.  I know God's in control. I know His will is going to be done. No matter the outcome, my dad's in the hands of the Master Physician. So I feel peace about that. How can someone feel a little scared, but still be at peace?  I know this probably doesn't make sense, but it's how I feel...

Dear God, Thanks for looking after me this morning when that regulator started smoking. I'm still amazed at how your awesome hand was in this. You brought the breeze that cooled off my living room, making me want to sleep in there versus my bedroom. You woke me up, even though normally I sleep through anything. You immediately brought my neighbor to mind, so I'd have someone to call since I didn't know what to do. You gave me three fans in my living room to blow the smoke out. And you had my fridge plugged into the regulator in the first place, so all I lost was a regulator and not a fridge full of food.

Dear One Thousand Gifts, I got the book and devotional of you in a package yesterday. Thanks for coming at the exact time I needed you. P.S. to blog readers... Look for a post on this book soon.

Dear Obama (the ice cream, not the man), I got to have your delicious goodness yesterday at lunch time. Our school director is AMAZING and treated all of us to a n'ice treat for the n'ice job we're doing. The name of the ice cream place is N'ice Cream. Get it? N'ice... :)

Dear Homemade Guacamole & Pita Chips, I made you last night, so I'd have a nice snack option for the week. You turned out great! great, that I'll probably have to buy more avocados and make more of you pretty soon :)

Dear Dinner Invite, I got you Friday night, which was especially nice because 1) I got to hang out with friends 2) I got to keep my mind off the phone call I'd just received, telling me of the scariness my dad is facing in the next few days.

Dear Surprise Package, I got an email from a sweet lady saying that you were put in the mail the other day. You're coming from a special church's adults' Sunday School class and you're full of all sorts of surprise goodies. It means so much that they'd even think of me, but to send a package too... I can't wait! :)

Dear Happy Days, I watched a couple episodes of you last night before bed. I forgot how funny you are. I'm glad I found that season of you in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart this summer. Thanks for being a clean, funny show :)

Dear Water Situation in Dakar, You've gotten better. There are still a few places that are still without, but for the most part, water is coming back to most places slowly but surely. I'm praying that you are fully fixed soon! I can't imagine... Some people have been without for close to a month. That's crazy!

Dear Led a Staff Meeting, I can now say I've done you. I'm so not a fan of speaking to a group of adults. Kids are more my style :) But I did it. And I wasn't boo'd or fired, so I guess it went well. Ha! :)

Dear Mary Market, You're the name of a store that just opened super close to the school. You have all sorts of inexpensive goodness inside. Plus, you're so close that we can easily make a roundtrip visit to you in 10 mins or less. That's nice for a quick run during a break time at school. Here's hoping you last a long time...

Dear 5 Pounds, You're how much I've lost since starting this new weight-loss/work-out plan. It was actually a nice treat to step on the scales Thursday. And, that may not be a lot, it's still nice to see :)

Dear Cute Video found here, You're a video of an elephant and a dog that are best friends. I normally don't watch videos like this. Sometimes they're a bit silly. But you were a good one. sweet.

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